Saturday 29 April 2023

Dog tricks.

I don't really like the idea of dogs performing tricks; even if they do enjoy it. I suppose I have to admit to being amused by dogs at Crufts who perform extraordinary feats, but otherwise I'm not keen.

Billy has taught himself to 'beg'. No-one taught him, and he even puts on a dewy-eyed pleading expression to accompany his standing on two hind legs. He only does it when he really wants something; to play ball, or give him a treat, etc. 

He does have one other trick that I think Lady M must have taught him. On the command 'Roly-Poly' he immediately rolls onto his back with his legs in the air.

If only she would train him to come when I call his name, that might be a tad more useful.



  1. NB. Please can I ask you not to leave very short comments. I have noticed that anything less than about 5 words goes directly to my SPAM folder. This morning I had 63 comments there!!!

  2. He doesn't come when called? I thought only cats did that.

    1. River, cats do respond. Maybe not so much to their actual name, but certainly to their owners' voice.

      I do have a theory why Billy doesn't respond to Cro calling him. I shan't expand on it since it'll only lead to my comment being deleted as funny and humorous as it is.


    2. U, it's not like you not to say something rude about me. Have t you been to therapy?

      Billy is very strange about coming to us. I wonder if something happened to him before we had him? I call him to me, and he instantly heads for his bed. Very odd.

    3. You are pissing against the wind arguing
      ( that’s 7 )

    4. I've never known anyone as adversarial.

  3. Let me extend my comment in case it vanishes for being short. You can train Billy to come when called. Have him on his leash and call him to you while gently tugging on the leash, when he gets to you, give him a treat and keep doing it until he comes without you tugging on the leash, then try it without the leash, but still either a treat or a rewarding pat and "good boy". Shouldn't be too hard, although better done when he was a puppy.

    1. We've never actually tried to train him to come to us. I suppose we should, and I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult.

  4. He is adorably cute. Oops too short, let me make that longer - he is adorably cute.

    1. Don't worry, it seems to be the one or two word comments that go to spam.

  5. He really is a wonderful dog. Every post like this makes me long for the dogs I had.

    1. He's a lovely boy, and much admired in the area. Everyone stops to say hello to him.

  6. Old dogs can learn new tricks

  7. If Billy sees a good enough reason to come to you when you call him, he will. A pocketful of tasty treats would suffice!

  8. Have you heard of the show, "Britain's Got Talent"? You should get Billy on there! I doubt that there's a show called "France Has Got Talent".

    1. Their version is called 'Has France Got Talent?'

  9. My mum had a Cocker Spaniel who due to a 'dry eye' problem, had surgery to allow her salivary glands to also moisten her eyes.
    Of course, this meant that when she got a bit 'drooly' her eyes watered.
    It was impossible to resist a dog who would (self taught) sit up, a la Billy, and actually cry tears!!! X

    1. I agree, if you didn't know the reason you'd be putty in her hands!

  10. He does look irresistible - who could refuse him?
    I'm convinced that all dogs have the ability to beg in their DNA. Just needs a few sessions with the right words and a couple of kilos of treats (for my Labs., anyway) and they'll beg nicely! Not that I've ever tried to teach them.

    1. Billy was never taught; it must be in their DNA, as you put it.

  11. Who could resist that face????

    1. I certainly can't, but you should have seen him when he was still a Pup; he wasn't the most beautiful of dogs.

  12. Oh, my goodness. I just read your comment to NB. Sorry about that spam folder.

    1. At the moment it's getting worse by the day, with some as far back as 2014. Their spam-searching machine is going crazy.

  13. In my experience treats work wonders in dog training. A near neighbour has a half grown pup and I have watched him being trained to sit at the kerb. But he always looks expectantly for the treat.

    1. I shall have to do some serious training when we're in France. I have the space there, which should make it easier.

  14. Billy is adorable in the photo you post. How could you say, "No?" Recall is not always easy for a dog. The only time my dog comes when called is when I say, "come - cookie" and he knows there is a treat waiting for him.

    1. Border Collies are supposed to be easy to train, so I shall buy a big bag of treats and work on him.

  15. Susan.... to make sure mine come it is always the offer of a cookie !
    Loved seeing Billy I have missed him.
    woof !

  16. Cro, just my 2 cents worth here. Some cats do come when called... depends on their personality, intelligence, past experiences etc.
    And also 'how' you're calling. Bang a catfood can and most come running. And yes, Border Collie's in general are smart. My brother had several that he showed.

    1. I seem to remember that our Cat Freddie would come when called; unless he was sitting on the roof of course.
