Sunday 30 April 2023

bonzo dog doo dah band - jollity farm

I saw the Bonzos at a Pub' in Catford (S E London) in about 1966, I think the Pub' was called 'The Black Cat'.

I'd never seen anything like them before, or since (I don't think anyone had). They were a bunch of Art College lads who all happened to be good musicians, and enjoyed having fun.

During their performance they let-off one huge explosion. I was holding a pint mug of beer at the time, and (in good cartoon fashion) my beer rose from my glass and about 50% landed back in it again.

This is one of their better known songs, along with the The Urban Spaceman. Viv Stanshall died a few years ago, but Neil Innes is still going strong; as is Roger Ruskin Spear. Not sure about other members of the band.


  1. That's quite cute. I've never heard it before in spite of it being one of their "better known songs". I guess I live in the wrong country.

    1. They were quite successful here, but I don't think that went beyond our borders.

  2. Fabulous band. There's a Monster in your Mind (or something like that) and so many others. Very distinctive. Loved them.

    1. Neil Innes is still writing very good stuff. He really was the 'genius' behind the band.

  3. What a treat on a sunny Sunday morning - loved it!

    1. On stage they were part panto, part theatre, and part music. Wonderful.

  4. Yes, I remember them, vaguely. The video is excellent, especially the cartoon, which seems to be from a different era.

    1. I like the snippet of 'Archers' music at the end.

  5. Thanks for sharing. It's amazing how many popular figures in the world of music also had talent in the visual arts - Lennon and McCartney both went to art school, Ronny Wood of The Stones is an accomplished artist and so was Joni Mitchell. Bob Dylan has been painting for decades. And there are many more.

    1. It would be almost impossible to find top notch groups who DIDN'T have an Art College background somewhere.

  6. Sadly, Neil Innes died 3 years ago. Stanshall much longer - in a fire in 1995 I've just checked.

    1. I thought Innes was still alive. I was listening to a programme recently with him, but I suppose it must have been recorded.

  7. They are most unusual multi-talented artists. They are unknown to me. Seeing them live in a Pub must have been fun.

    1. I still remember that show of theirs very well. It was so unusual and good that I could never forget it.

  8. Another point I wanted to make is how much art schools contributed to the economy. Brian Ferry and Jethro Tull come also to mind, and there were lots of others. Today the creative games industry makes billions. Yet the government wants to cut these courses and focus everything on STEM subjects.

    1. My good friend 'J' who managed Ferry's life was also ex art college. She was a fashion design student who originally ran one of London's very best Children's clothes shops.

  9. Neil Innes still writing songs.... probably, I wouldn't put it past him... even though he died in 2019!!
