Saturday 11 March 2023

Sunak, Macron, and those boats.


PM Rishi Sunak has promised that (this time) he really WILL do something about the illegal immigrant problem, and stop those small rubber boats arriving in droves on our shores.

We have already paid the French £63Million to help with their side of the problem (which of course they pocketed and ignored). It's not in their interest to keep 'undesirables' in France, they would much prefer to help them get to England; not prevent them from getting there.  

Rishi has again spoken with Macron, and this time has offered a staggering £500Million. However, Macron has said that in no way could the UK be able to return the so called 'refugees' to France, and he ain't having none of it. But I expect he'll accept the £500Million anyway. He'd be fou not to.

The answer to this is obvious.... they must never reach our shores!

The problem is easily resolved if the UK had the 'gumption'. The UK Border Control boats, which are out in The Channel permanently, could simply catch them mid-Channel, perform a few confusing circles, then tow them back to France. They could even assure them that where they were heading for England, and they'd all rush ashore with smiles on their faces; claiming asylum.

There are procedures in place for arriving in the UK legally, and generally they are cheaper than buying a place on an illegal boat. But many won't go through the correct procedures on account of their criminal past (or present). Their only chance of arriving at Eldorado is a place on a boat, and as much as I want to believe Rishi, I can't see a reduction in arrivals happening. Let's wait and see what the figures are like this time next year!!!

And Pur-leeeeze; let's not be sending these people all around the world at huge expense to us the taxpayers. They must go back from whence they came; not to Rwanda.


  1. Last time I looked France was a safe country in respect of international refugee status, therefore all of these individuals are illegal immigrants and should be simply taken straight back to the safe country that they had been in. The French aren't stupid - they don't want these undesirables, and are only too happy to have them get to the UK and off their hands, and no amount of bribing will change that. The Australians showed how to stop this kind of activity some years ago - just make it obvious that none of them would be allowed to land and stay. However, no recent UK government has had the guts to do what the Aussies did, and so the saga drags on and on, and the right-on luvvies get their kicks out of making hay on Twitter at our taxpayer expense.

    1. You 've repeated what I said above. Well said!

  2. Cro, We know that the Tories are desperate to resolve the Migrant crisis in the hope of saving their careers and winning next year's General Election.
    But what baffles many is why our Border Force and the now not so popular RNLI, have been safely bringing in the migrants mid Channel as in providing a taxi service for them.

    It only came to light yesterday that a Migrant has been charged with 4 sexual offences on Women on your very own Brighton Beach last month. You probably heard about that. I'm literally seeing stories like this every day on twitter and some of them are visually gruesome videos. But of course they're not talked about very much on the main stream News.

    1. I didn't know of that particular incident, but sadly it doesn't surprise me. These people think they can do anything, anywhere, and get away with it. That's why they come here.

  3. As my lawyer husband points out - the boat people are already in a safe country when in France so are not actually asylum seekers when they sail here. They are illegal immigrants.

    1. We all know this, but nothing has been done (or very little). It remains to be seen if anything will be done in the future; or is it all 'mouth'.

  4. I share your concerns about this situation. I read an article yesterday that a lot of the people coming over on boats are doing a runner because they don't want to be found. They are living rough, in sheds, and on the streets.

    1. And steal to fund their lives.

    2. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work that one out. When they get them all linked in to the CBDC, the black market will explode.

  5. Sunak sees mastery of the small boat invasion as the key to turning round Tory election prospects. That is why is handing over £500 million of British taxpayers' money to the French. In a sense, the gift has nothing to do with illegal immigration and much to do with keeping the Tories in power.

    Regarding Macron, he is too touchy-feely for my liking - holding hands too long, rubbing backs etc. If I ever meet him I will tell him to keep his hands in his pockets.

    1. He'd probably be playing 'Pocket Billiards'.

    2. I'd thought that the Socialists would get behind Sunak to try to find some solution to this problem, but since Gary Lineker has thrown his hat into the ring, the left has followed suite, and are now against doing anything. What a shame. Regardless of political colours it would have been good to have had some unity on what is a real social problem.

  6. I heard this news and saw pictures of Sunak with Macron only on Aljazeera News last night and it was reported in a positive way such that I was uplifted. I will remain positive.

    1. I would like to think positively about it, but I fear that with all the bleeding hearts around, 'human rights' will be on the menu again.

  7. Was my first comment sent to Rwanda?

  8. I agree they should be met mid-channel and turned back. No excuses, no reasoning. If the coast guard/border force could just line up their boats nose to tail and make a fence that might help.

    1. I held a dinner party last night, and one suggestion from a guest was a Trump-like wall mid channel, with just one 'Tower Bridge' style opening for genuine boats to pass. It's an option!
