Friday 10 March 2023


I was never much good at Chess, in fact I was probably better at Snakes and Ladders.

However, I did teach my children to play, and I once ran a Chess Club at a local Primary School. I introduced them to the basics, and showed them a few tricks of the trade.

I don't think I have the right type of brain for Chess. I can think a few moves ahead, but no more than 'a few', when I should be thinking in terms of much more.

Anyway, we keep a nice set in the house, and I'm pleased to see that my oldest has taught his boys to play. 

I'm just waiting for them to start beating their father. Ha ha.



  1. I have never played chess. Not sure if I should admit that ! We used to play draughts .... not sure that I should admit that either as you don't need so much up top in draughts as you do in chess ! XXXX

    1. I like Draughts. It's a quick and non-brain-taxing game. Now't wrong with that.

  2. I can play chess, but not very well. I am more reactive than a strategic thinker. I used to play chess with my neighbour in Tenerife but she was a dreadful cheat. After making her move she would wait to see which piece I picked up for my turn then say Oh wait, I didn't mean to go there, then take back her previous move.

    1. You can't do that; you should have chopped her hand off!!!

  3. My husband taught kids to play chess but now if they play it's on their computer, or phone.
    I did learn the basics but hate getting beaten. Our family favourites are quiz games like trivial pursuit.

    1. I play online Solitaire (the Random Salad Games version), and do Crosswords.I used to play Snakes-n-Ladders with Boo Boo, but he's no longer available.

  4. We always played draughts at home. I used to enjoy that. Later backgammon became a bit of a thing in the 70s, everyone was playing it. I never played chess though.

    1. Draughts is a good game, not unlike Dominoes. It's quick, fun, and does involve some skill.

  5. Replies
    1. I think more people should play. It has a reputation for being complex, but the basics are quite easy to grasp.

    2. John another good idea for the community building. Cro can come and referee. :)

  6. I got taught how each piece moves by watching a Donald Duck cartoon shown to us during a maths lesson, but I can't play.

    1. That sounds like a good way to teach how it all works.

  7. Our son learned to play chess at junior school, and is a very good player.
    However, no matter how hard he's tried over the years to teach both of us, we're still rubbish!
    He now plays against a colleague from the company's New York office. They both have sets in their offices, and email one another their moves!
    Britain is winning hands down at the moment! X

    1. Well, that's very good news, we can't have the old colonies winning everything.

  8. Some brains are good for chess or cryptic crosswords but mine is not one of them. When the boys start beating their father, you will have to call the social services. There's far too much hidden father abuse these days.

    1. I think he might call social services himself. It would be a bad day for him.

  9. I know how to play chess, but only the basc moves and none of the tricks and always lose so now I never play. My younger son likes the game and taught my grand daughter when she was six and on the third game she beat him!

    1. You sound like me. I can play reasonably well, but I usually lose.

  10. When my boys were at home, we usually had a 'family chess tournament' to help dispel the long Wisconsin winters. We often finished it off with a grand finale of 4-sided chess. Each one set up on a side and we played until we dropped. Fun memories!

    1. I've never played a 4-hand game, it sounds like fun.

    2. It is a 'cutthroat' game! I grinned and grimaced all at the same time when I realized my two sons were ganging up on me so I could be eliminated by their joint efforts. They both thought it was hilarious it took so long for me to clue in.

  11. My son and his father played chess too. As a boy, he joined a chess club. The club was run by a chess Master. Both girls and boys were welcome, yet there were no girls in the group. At university my son played competitively. I've never taken to chess.

    1. I haven't played for about 40 years. Probably wisely.

  12. My grandson lives in China and he and his Dad play chess on computers - my son has yet to beat him but he lives in hopes.

    1. When he does eventually beat him, they may never speak again!
