Sunday 12 February 2023

Have you had your Invitation yet?

                                                               Buckingham Palace.

Dearest Cro,

It's been a while.

I wonder if you will be available to attend my coronation on May 6th? I do hope you won't be away in France.

It would be lovely to have you here; lots of your old chums are coming, and they're dying to see you again. There'll be quite a knees-up afterwards at my place, with music, dancing, and plenty of your favourites red wines.    

Camilla is also very much looking forward to seeing Lady M again as she is in desperate need of her Tarte Tatin recipe. Perhaps you could ask her to contact C beforehand as she'd like to make some for the shindig.

Looking forward to seeing you both. Your old chum Charles (King) xx

p.s. It'll be quite a big do, and most of the good hotels will be fully booked, so why not stay here at Buck House; we have plenty of room.



  1. Oh dear. Best not go, Cro. It's a shame to miss it, but I hear Harry and his lady are sure to be there, and we all know how you feel about them. Perhaps plan a get together after the kerfuffle has died down and the Americans have gone back to their sycophants.

    1. Oh dear. I've just replied to Charles, and did ask THAT question. I'll publish my reply tomorrow.

  2. I hope youll find something suitable to wear in your ratters wardrobe. Top hat and tails?

  3. P.P.S. You will be able to have a nice chat with my bashful American daughter-in-law but please don't say anything that might be construed as politically incorrect or you'll end up in "The Sun".

    1. I foresee a lot of 'cold shoulders' on the horizon.

  4. Go, I would if invited, though it might have to be in the Harry 48 hour plan. Somehow I can't imagine Chuck relaxing, and Mrs. Chuck doing anything in a kitchen beyond approving the menu.

    1. I believe Camilla is very domesticated; quite 'down to earth' indeed.

  5. With all the family dynamics (H&M), this gathering will be anything but relaxed. Will there be fireworks? Wait and see.

    1. We're not sure if they'll turn-up yet. I think it would be very bad taste on their behalf if they did, after everything they've said.

  6. In your dreams Cro.
    Although it would be nice to get an invitation and would you actually go?

    1. I've been to some 'fancy do's' at Westminster Abbey that I enjoyed, so why not?
