Saturday 11 February 2023

Cro, a fashion icon?

I have never been afraid of unflattering photos. This, below, is a good example. My nose certainly doesn't usually look like a baby's bum, but somehow it does in this picture. I don't know who took this picture but I imagine they were using a 'nose filter'

I know I'm a scruff-bag, I always have been, it's how I am, I was born that way, but not usually as much so as appears in the picture. I really look as if someone's just saved me from sleeping in a doorway.

Normally I'm a cross between 'Wurzel Gummidge', and 'a sack of spuds', and that's being flattering. I've never really cared about what I look like (other than when I worked in The City).

I've told this story before, but it's possibly worth telling again. Whilst at school we would all line-up in front of the mirror each morning, combs in hands, trying to make ourselves look like Elvis. One morning I had a serious lightbulb moment, and realised how totally stupid all this was. I was 14. I've never bothered about my looks ever since, and don't intend to start now. 

It has never held me back, just look at that happy, scruffy, icon of an old man!



  1. You look fine to me. I've never been too fussy about my looks either. If I'm clean and decently covered that's good enough. I'm no fashion plate.

    1. Just occasionally I feel the need to make myself less scruffy, but very rarely.

  2. Personal appearance does make a difference in business and helps greatly when trying to have a sex life. Personal hygiene, a nice smile, neatly arranged clothing and just plan presenting yourself well goes along way. Everyone has a personal style they work hard at perfecting. Then every once in awhile a person might need to re-create themselves and how the world sees them. I once asked a partner what first attracted me to them and was told it was my shoes. I said, WHAT? Seems the quality of shoes and condition of a man's footwear tell alot about him. LOL! Hard to believe my 20 year old re-soled and re-built brogues were sexy. Ever since I have only bought, worn and maintained high quality and sometimes bespoke shoes, padock boots, and matching belts. I also believe in being CLEAN. Soap and water, a comb, a razor, a tooth brush, clean clothes and good quality footwear all helps create your personal style. Feeling good about yourself and feeling good in your own skin makes for a beautiful inner and outer person. Cro, from what I have seen of you in photos you feel good about yourself and have perfected your personal style and wear it well. You exude personal confidence in your appearance and in the way you blog. Aging well does play a big part in staying healthy and keeping Lady M happy.

    1. My personal hygiene is never overlooked, but It's my constant desire to get the most from my clothes and shoes that lets me down. Having said that, my attraction towards very beautiful women has never been thwarted. I must be doing something right.

    2. Attraction to a beautiful woman keeps the blood flowing. I have found investing in good clothing is a smart one. I have a retired tailor who can turn around a frayed collar and the same with shirt cuffs and I can get another 5 years out of the shirt. My French ancestors taught me the "impoverished gentry" look and how to live, eat, and drink well on what I save being thrifty. I used to give talks to organizations and fraternities on how to acheive personal style and live well on a shoe string. I did so enjoy it. I think you enjoy your life with "gusto". Carry on.

  3. You look just fine to me Cro, a nice natural look.

  4. I think that you look quite nice...friendly. If I met you out walking our dogs, I would stop for a chat!

    1. As long as you didn't try to give me a 20 pence coin, I'd be delighted to have a long chat.

  5. I don't go to the grocery store in the morning without light make-up and every week at the hairdresser. I wish I could free myself from the need to look fine. You look really fine.

    1. My 'looking fine' is restricted to making sure I have no toast lurking in my beard.

  6. And yet you still managed to land a diamond such as Lady Magnon. There's hope for us all. x

    1. Yes, I'm not really sure why she tolerates me.

  7. I don't know if this impression is partly created by the stripy arm next to you but to me you look like a master mariner with his ration of rum - possibly on shore leave after successfully navigating "Lady Magnon" into Newhaven harbour. Not Captain Birdseye but Captain Magnon. "Avast there me hearties!"

    1. My sou'wester must have slipped. Yes, a cup of good cheer in my hand; I hadn't noticed.

    2. That's funny, I had the same thought as YP: "Cro looks like a sea captain!"

  8. You are content with yourself Cro, that's the most important thing for an enjoyable retirement.

  9. You look a bit rough in that photo.

  10. I love that photo. You look like a man who is enjoying his life.

    1. I was certainly enjoying myself that evening, it was taken when we went to see The Bootleg Beatles.

  11. You look and sound happy in the skin you are in.

  12. My wife always told me she thought I was a cross landing somewhere between Horace Rumpole (the barrister) and Red Green (the Canadian handyman). She was probably right. I get it. Cheers!

    1. You're in good company with Rumpole; I don't know the other chap.

    2. See Youtube, The Red Green Show. You're in for a world of comedy satire and fun.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I've only just been shown this photo, but it must have been taken before Christmas (Santa?).

  14. You look like my friend Max and he is a sailor. He sails the New England coast during the Summer. He once circumnavigated the world. You and Max have a worldly look.
