Thursday 16 February 2023

Billy's universe.

I don't know if you can see, but under our dining table is where Billy lives. You might just see his face.

Lady M does put a 'dog-duvet' on her sofa at nights for him, so that he can feel like a human, and most mornings I do find him there.

Otherwise he lives under the table in his XL Cosy-Canine (professional) Super bed.

If for some reason we need to move his bed, he won't lie in it in any other place. He waits for its return to its proper spot before he'll lie down in it again. I think in many ways I agree with him, if my bed was moved around I wouldn't be very happy about it either.

Our two previous dogs, Monty and Bok, used to squeeze themselves together into a similar size bed, regardless of the discomfort. They loved each other so much.

As you can see, they were also both bigger boys than Billy. I used to love seeing them like this, it was so good to know that they were really happy together.

I would hate to be without a dog. I was speaking with a woman yesterday who'd been living in Brighton for four years. She said it was only after recently getting her rescue dog that she started meeting people; it got her out of the house, and other dog owners were always chatty. There's no escaping the fact; dog owners are friendly folk, and her life changed completely.


  1. Billy seems to have a good vantage point from there into the house and out the window.

    1. Yes, he has a good view of outside, the kitchen, and the sitting room.

  2. Billy has his happy places. Just like me with my favourite armchair, beside the fire right now.

    1. He's a creature of habit. Disturb his regime at peril.

  3. I love dogs but have always had cats and you are right, cat's are not good for making friends. I'm hoping when I get my (dare I say it) buggy out I shall meet more friends in the local parks.

    1. I was brought-up with cats, we never had dogs when I was small. Since Freddie died I haven't had another; they're more difficult to travel with than dogs.

  4. Here's a poser for you. Who do you love most - Billy or Lady Magnon?

    1. Put your dog in the boot of your car, and see how pleased it is to see you when you let it out again. Now try the same thing with your wife!

  5. I am only one of a couple of people in my village who do not have a canine companion. As a result, and as you have mentioned, I am very much out of the loop when it comes to village affairs.

    1. I know you travel a lot between the mainland and your home, so having a dog might be difficult.

  6. Do you think that is Billy's safe place? We have had our rescue dog for 5 weeks, he likes to be under the dining room table or curled up in a very small dog bed which had our grandaughter's dog's toys in, never mind the new bed I bought him. So true how many other dog owners chat to us in a walk.

    1. When our first son was born we could hardly move for people who wanted to 'coo'. Then we had a puppy and the same thing happened again. Now, all these years later, I'm finding the same with Billy.

  7. A little enclosure would feel safe.

    1. Being under the table must feel like being in his own little home.

  8. Dogs are creatures of habit. Billy has definitely made his ideal den under the table. Dog owners are overall lovely people. Like you, I will always have a dog.

    1. The only dog-haters I've known were almost universally disliked. Luckily they've moved away.

  9. I agree totally about dogs - I miss Tess every day.

    1. That's funny, Weaver. Within three minutes what you kept short I made up for in length.


  10. Dog owners are "friendly folk"? Some are. Some are bastards. And never mention to a dog owner that you are in awe of how ugly their dog is (say, for sake of argument, those stunted of nose, creased up ones - what's their name? I am talking about the dog - not their owner.)

    Billy is clearly covering his back. Fair enough in a world where dog eats dog. I remember, forgive me if I have told this story before, being amused by how one of our cats (the vocal one I had the most amazing conversations with) would occasional retreat. I always left both the washing machine and tumble dryer doors ajar (when empty). Helps with ventilation and stuff. And what do you know? There she was. Fleury. Cocooned, perfectly aware that she didn't have eyes in the back of her head (as indeed am I), in wait for the enemy (an unsuspecting mouse?).

    I swear cats sleep - when they nap, not least in the open - do so with one eye half open, radar on full reception. No wonder the lion is king of the animaldom. Whereas, as much I love wolves, dogs are gullible. Throw them a fillet steak and you'll wake up to the carcass of your beloved and your jewels missing. I have stolen this ghastly image from the "Godfather" (severed head's horse in owner's bed).

    I shall now go and see to pork belly to be served up later today. Lucky you, otherwise I'd keep you here all afternoon reminiscing about all animals and pets (including my snails) I have ever encountered.

    If I have said it once, I have said it many times: Your Freddy was elegance personified. An absolute beauty.

    Greetings to Billy, may he keep you on the leash and from stepping into the unmentionable,

    1. As Belly Pork is one of my favourite meats, I trust you'll enjoy it. Yes Freddy was an archetypal Tabby. He was a lovely boy, very independent, and aloof. I adored him.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Under the table is a sheltered spot, much like a kennel or a small cave, so Billy probably feels safest there.
