Friday 17 February 2023

A question of Colour.

When I returned to Blighty last September, I realised that I needed to buy myself a new scarf. Travelling between countries in a smallish car with both a passenger and a dog didn't leave much space for my extensive selection of scarves. We 'travel light' so no room for frippery.

It was quite cool pre-Christmas, so I bought this one below. A bog standard black scarf with tassels, which soon began to bore me. I looked around for a red one, but couldn't find one anywhere. 

I went to Amazon.

Amazon was very prompt. I have now furnished myself with the required red one, and I'm very happy with it. I find it surprising the difference it makes to the spring in my step. I feel altogether more sprightly and cheerful.

To acclimatise myself to a future colourful scarf, I recently wore my wife's oversized pink scarf when taking Billy for his early walk. An unknown woman smiled as she saw me walking towards her and said "Oooh, I love your scarf".  I immediately knew it would attract the wrong sort of attention.

I'm hoping the red one doesn't have the same effect.

Maybe they'll just think I'm an antique dealer!!!!


  1. The red scarf looks so cool and it is also an outward symbol of your socialist credentials.

    1. I wondered why it was called The Corbyn Model.

  2. Darn, sorry. Why don't they let us edit our comments.
    Pink, I think, is a little over the top for an English gentleman. Red, smart
    Black, no, you need colour, especially in winter.
    Glad you're feeling 'uplifted'. Is the sun shining too?

    1. The sun is a wee bit filtered by fog this morning, but my scarf will shine in all weathers.

  3. Trust Amazon to come up trumps - they always do!

    1. I hate to admit it, but they do; every time.

  4. Your new red scarf provides a nice pop of color. Great choice.

  5. My car is bright red, and I love it! When the guy at the dealership was selling it to me, I almost said no. It was so...flashy?...and that's not really part of my personality. At least I didn't think so at the time! But now I'm glad he talked me into it. Life is drab enough without always surrounding ourselves with dull colors. Your scarf is cheerful!

    1. My new car is black. I quite like it as it looks so clean and shiny.

  6. The routine things in life, need not be boring

    1. It's such a small thing, but even the smallest of things can be fun.

  7. I think the red is an excellent choice.

  8. It's the top pocket flouncy hanky that makes the outfit.

    1. I always have a 'snuff hanky' in my top pocket, but I hadn't realised it was hanging out so much.

  9. My last winter coat was black and I had a bright red scarf for it. Well, I did until it slipped off and away without me noticing. Your post reminded me of how much I loved it. I think I'll have to start looking. Now is a good time to buy a winter scarf.

    1. I couldn't find one anywhere, I had to go to Amazon. I would have thought it was a bog-standard colour.

  10. Ha, ha, ha, a pink one in Brighton. Best avoided.
    Ditto rainbow stripes etc

  11. The red looks much more fetching.

  12. I have a bunch of those big and wide scarves in colours and patterns that were popular a while ago, pashmina they were called, I bought them to hang in my bedroom and look pretty. I think I have worn a couple of them once each and now they are rolled up in a drawer.

    1. That's it; pashmina! It was big, very pleasant to wear, but PINK. I should have known better.

  13. Love the red scarf, it's my favourite colour for many things, and it always looks so cheerful on a miserable day.

    1. It's now about two weeks later, and I still like it.
