Thursday 12 January 2023

That annoying man.

WARNING: If this man annoys you more than he annoys me; I advise that you read no further.

I quite expect that most people, like me, are beginning to change their attitudes towards the person previously known as Prince Harry. 

Most probably thought of him just as a gullible fool; someone who was being badly influenced, and dragged along by a ring through his nose (on his finger). A useful stooge for his social-climbing wife to gain fame and fortune. But with all the pathetic nonsense that he's now spouting, I, for one, am beginning to almost pity him, and fear for his mental health.

He now comes across as a severely psychologically damaged person, whose paranoia is overwhelming. He was the younger of two brothers, an unpopular boy at boarding school (where his older brother shunned him), the son of a philandering mother, a drug taking adolescent and adult, a foolish party-goer, a bragging soldier, and probably most importantly a very unwise judge of women. He cannot blame his family for all that; other than his mother of course.

His most recent and shameful outburst against his stepmother, Camilla, is proof that something has gone seriously wrong. He constantly repeats his own mother's 'conveniently forgetful' mantra from her Bashir interview, that 'There were three of us in this marriage'. We all know that there were A LOT MORE than THREE. His mother had a string of NINE lovers, before tragically dying in the company of No 9; Dodi Fayed. 

This must have been difficult and embarrassing for a 12-year-old son to accept, especially at school where boys can be very cruel, but to insult his new stepmother as a result of his mother's behaviour is neither fair, nor a solution.

Stepmothers often have a hard time, and mothers are not always saints. Harry's father should never have married Ms Spencer, and Harry should never have married Ms Markle. Two very obvious blunders by both a father and his son.

His other favourite gripe is against the media/press. Those very same people upon whom he now relies for his income, and the distribution of all his nonsense. 

He tells us that he is waiting for his family to 'reconcile'. Well, dear boy, you'll be waiting a very long time. Best now for you to go away, and shut up. Become that independent Harry Windsor you were desperate to become.

I quite expect, like me, you are getting thoroughly fed-up with this silly saga, it's about time it ended. But no doubt there will be more newspaper columns, more books, more documentaries, and even more interviews as long as people are stupid enough to pay him money for what he (and she) will spout. 

Could you imagine yourself speaking about your own family like this? And to the world's media too!

Meanwhile, The Royal Family retain their silent composure; as, of course, they always have.


  1. Personally, I think that he should have stayed in the army - it would have offered a career together with a disciplined environment to keep his wilder excesses under control and out of the public eye. As for MM, she thought that she was going to get the spotlight, she hadn't grasped that Harry, being the spare, was always destined to play second fiddle to William. What we are seeing now looks to me like her taking her revenge through Harry, pushing him to ever more extreme revelations.

    1. It's a shocking saga. Yes, I think staying in the army would have suited him, he could have advanced through the ranks, and had some kudos away from 'the firm'.

    2. Cro, he was too stupid to advance in the ranks. He was told he wouldn't rise above the rank of Captain.

    3. I didn't know that, but I'm not surprised.

    4. He was offered a desk job but turned it down. Sort of an Army events planner. Too dim to pass the promotional exams. Ticked off his CO with tardiness, drunkeness, and all around entitled attitude. An all around case of a classic Rupert who got where he was by his family connections. Look at Lt. Col. Thompson, I'd love to leave him in a room with Harold, formerly known as Prince Harry

  2. He is truly an annoying man and one thing I particularly dislike is his public trashing of his family. That is not a thing decent people do.

    1. Quite right, it's the behaviour of a fool, he would never have done such things before he married.

  3. He is a very mixed up man. Sounds as though he has had a lot of therapy and he's been told he will feel better if he gets it all out. His advisers have forgotten though that he's English not American. He should have just stuffed it all up his dress shirt and carried on like any stiff upper lipped Englishman would have done. Now he has to live with his betrayal for the rest of his life.
    Ok, tell your own drugs, sex and rock-'n'-roll stories. Good stuff. Don't invade your families privacy .
    That's just my opinion from the stuff that comes up on our news and on every internet page I open. I hope they both shut up and disappear

    1. I would never talk about my own family like that, even in private. He not only sees things very differently to everyone else, but is prepared to tell the whole world! He's a disgrace.

  4. Is it the celebrity led, while social media enabled, youth that are so facinated by this man's story?
    I know that I am not.

    1. I apologise for going-on about him, but he really annoys me. However, people do need to understand what he's doing, and possibly why.

  5. Whatever happened to his desire for " privacy"? One day he will realise what he has done to his family and it will be too late. I feel sad for his children who will probably never really know their cousins or family on either side. He is a disgrace.

    1. As you say it's now all too late, and his only route is to continue, and hope to find support. Sadly it's all going the other way.

  6. The day will come when he realises that he has just made everything worse. I'm not sure that he will be able to cope with that.

    1. To me he comes across as being very fragile. He really needs to have a holiday and reconsider his actions.

  7. I feel sorry for him, it can't be easy being in the royal family, under the spotlight at all times and being unable to do what you want, when you want, having to get permission to do anyting at all, no wonder he's going bonkers!

    1. As Will said above, he would have been wiser to have stayed in the Army, and been his own man. He would have avoided all 'Royal' commitments, and would have been respected.

  8. Yes, he should have stayed in the army, he would have moulded a career and his identity as an individual. Had he done that it would have been unlikely he would have met the greedy, grasping woman who is the cause of all his troubles. Will is right in his assumptions about the pair - they are a both disgrace to their respective families. No matter how much they protest, whatever excuses they may offer up, it's all done for money.

    1. One can but wonder how long it'll last. When they were first married I gave it five years. I don't imagine it'll last much longer; he's bound to see the light one day.

  9. For twenty million quid, I would happily write a similar book about my family. I would make a lot of it up. Camilla has always seemed like a dangerous woman to me with her twinset and pearls and her bouffant hairstyle. I think she might be a Russian agent - a black belt in judo and a crack shot - not a crackpot like her youngest stepson.

    1. Actually YP I've always heard that she's very nice. At least she knows how to behave like a consort, and not grab the limelight like her predecessor. She is, of course, an East Sussex gal, so really can do no wrong.

  10. I don't understand why he has brought up the information about the 25 people he killed while in the military. I grew up, and still know generations of men who have all served in the military. Grandfather, Dad, Uncle, and all of my friends had similar numbers of family members who grew up around men who had served during various wars. My Grandfather (WW1), Dad (Korea), Uncle (WW2) Normandy Invasion, Nephew (Iraq), Son (Afghanistan) and none of them spoke about their experiences in detail in our family settings. In other words they are proud to have served, (or to be serving) but they never spoke (speak) to us about intense details.

    I wonder if possibly Prince (?) Harry is sharing way more information than he would have been, if not being encouraged by his wife and other people who will be making a profit from all of the
    personal things that he is sharing now, but I believe he will regret putting it all out in public later. And then what is he going to do when he runs out of personal information that anyone might be interested in? I have not even been interested in the information he is sharing now.
    He seems to be acting like a spoiled child at this time in his life. I believe there is a lot of influence in all of this from his wife.

    1. Susie, you're right in all respects. People never brag about 'kills', it's simply not done! As for his future, I'm sure they'll go their separate ways eventually, and the poor boy will be left in limbo.

  11. It is surprising for the rest of the world, how angry people are about his story. I am kind of amused, but not enough to buy the book.

    1. I certainly wouldn't buy his book, but there's been no escaping the nasty contents.

  12. I don't share your feelings. I think he's a damaged young man who has been ignored and exploited and now he's just giving some back. I think that even though there are 2 sides to a story, we need to hear his. I feel very sorry for he and his wife; their lives must be very stressful and fearful.

    1. He's certainly been 'damaged', as I pointed out in para 4, but I don't think he's been exploited. If anything it's he and his wife who are exploiting the whole silly saga.

    2. If their lives are stressful and fearful it's of their own making. I'm afraid he has put a target on his and his families back himself with his stupid remarks.

    3. Sandy, I'm genuinely pleased that at least one comment has been on his side. It must be terrible for him at the moment to know that most of the world is at his throat.

  13. All families have baggage. This family has more than most. Privilege does this. (I was never a big fan of the C and C saga.) H revealing innermost personal feelings/stories and taking them to press will not solve anything. H needs to think about what is to lose and/or gain.

    1. In the long term, what is there for him to gain? Absolutely nothing.

  14. Over here, we're gobsmacked at the vitriol for Harry and the total acceptance of Andrew. You Brits are an odd people.

    1. I don't know who told you of Andrew's 'acceptance'. He has been totally rejected by both The Royal Family, and most of the British people.

    2. In my part of Canada, we just think Harry is a total waste of space. He married a woman who hung out Jessica Mulroney, that says it all to most of my acquaintances.

      There is no acceptance, as you put it, of his Uncle and Godfather, aka Andrew.

      At least Andrew is holed up in house, rarely ventures out in public, and never washed the family linen in the press. Even his wife, Sarah never trashed the family.

      Markle was trouble from the start. I'd love to see the file the Security Services have on her.

  15. I'm embarrassed to admit I bought the book out of curiosity. It's not very good (I suspect Ms. Markle played a large part in the writing) and all of the "revelations" are in the news, anyway. I would say, yes, he is psychologically damaged. He had cheating parents, and their cheating was public. I can't begin to imagine the cruel things other kids must have said to him. His brother shunned him at school? That's viscous. The cruelty inflicted on me by older siblings still stings. His mother died when he was 12 and he was told to walk behind her coffin in streets lined with thousands of people. What a strange life! I do hope he gets himself sorted out and learns to live quietly.


    1. His mother was a serial 'cheater', but Charles only got back with Camilla after she'd left. We all thought Harry was leaving his home to 'live quietly', but he's done the opposite.

  16. I will not be adding to their coffer. What a sad waste of privilege.

    1. The only good thing I can say about him is that he's not going around with some crown on his head.

  17. Charles never left Camilla. His heart was always hers.

    If that was my son, and I had the means like King Charles does, then I'd be knocking on my son's door to have a sit down discussion about how we mend what is broken, and to let him know I love him.
    I believe there'd be no book if the father had done that.

    1. I believe that has already happened at Prince Philip's funeral. It didn't go well.

  18. Pouring out his grievances should only be done to a therapist, not to the world via media. Does he think he is the only one who ever had family troubles?

    1. The obvious answer to that is that they needed to make lots of money. Otherwise they would have probably stayed silent.
