Friday 13 January 2023

5.00 am to 8.30 am

I can't venture out much before 7.30 am because it's still simply too dark.

I've been up since 5 am and have breakfasted, posted my blog, answered all my Emails, and am starting tomorrow's blog which I'll probably finish some time later. For the moment it's Dog Emptying time.

Outside it was reasonably light, there were a few fellow dog-walkers around, and the man who empties the dog-poo-bag-bins cheerily greets me whilst whistling some non-existent tune.

About half a dozen passers-by wish me a 'Good Morning', as Billy and I follow our regular circuit around the Peace Garden, and then the Churchyard. He plays with whichever of his best pals are around, and I keep Billy off his lead for the short walk home and he behaves himself perfectly. Previously, if I'd had him on his lead and he'd met other dogs he used to growl. Now he is very relaxed.

One 'regular' on my early walks is a woman I refer to as 'The Green Lady'. She is 100% covered in green PVC, walks with a limping stoop, and has one of those 'corporate identity tags' around her neck. She is very well spoken, adores Billy, and we always have a short chat before she shuffles off on her way to goodness knows where! I would love to know more about her, but I respect her privacy. I think she really enjoys our little conversations. Whether or not she has a home, I don't know. I have never seen her face.

Another of my favourite encounters is a canine. His name is Bob, and he has two tennis balls permanently in his mouth. I've not known another like him. I always chat with Mrs Bob.

There are not a lot of people around at this hour, but I recognise most of them. Some are joggers, some rushing off to Town, and others just enjoying the early morning peace and quiet. Mostly, of course, like me they are Dog walkers. 

Once home again I go to where I am now; in front of my laptop. I finish my tomorrow's blog, look-up all those things that needed to be researched, and play one game of online Solitaire.

After all this it's still only about 8.30 am, and the rest of the day's activities are anyone's guess! This morning I'm off shopping; I have guests tomorrow evening and must buy a Leg of Lamb.



  1. Being an early riser in the winter can be frustrating! Its still the best time of the day

  2. Here the sun rises already at six thirty in the morning. I'm awake long before that and I no longer have dogs to walk with. But there are always two cats by the door waiting for their food.

    1. This morning was nice. Clear skies, reasonably chilly (8 C), and with a slight breeze. The perfect Winter morning.

  3. It's interesting ready about other people's lives. The days seem to be getting slowly longer . I have no idea what time the sun comes up but I know when it goes down. That's when I walk. It's surprising how many of the same people pop up at that chilly time up here in the wop-wops.
    Now we are all wondering about the Green Lady!

    1. I permanently wonder about the green lady. I don't see her every day, but quite often.

  4. I no longer 'measure out my life in coffee spoons' - like you it tends to be measured out in dog walkers. As I can no longer go out I see them all pass my window. All the dogs are no longer mongrels but mostly crossbreeds with fancy names (cockapoos, labradoodles etc) and hefty price tags!

    1. Here there seem to be lots of Greyhounds and Whippets, but lots of the other trendy ones too.

  5. It's a nice way to start the day even though for me it would be like the middle of the night because I rarely go to bed before 1.30am.

    1. I often hit my bed at 8 pm. I won't watch rubbish TV, so prefer reading or radio (in bed).

  6. There is something to be said for routine

    1. 'Routine' has been a big part of my life since a very early age. I actually enjoy it too.

  7. We have let the builders in at 8.00 am and I am emptying the filing cabinet and shredding ! I seem to keep every piece of paper that comes into this house ! I take after my Dad ! I asked the painter who is 29 if he shredded bits of paper with personal information and he looked at me as if I was a daft old lady !!!!!!! XXXX

    1. We bought a shredder a few years ago, but have no idea where it is. Probably hiding in the loft along with all our other treasures.

  8. I love the mental picture of the dog with two tennis balls in his mouth. That makes me laugh. I love characters, be they bipeds or quadripeds. Sounds as if you meet a good quantity of both as you empty your dog.

    1. 'Two Balls Bob' is quite a character. He's a Bulldog type and getting old, but he will only spit out his mouthful when he eats.

  9. Quiet time to read and write is sometimes the best time of the day

  10. Your mornings walking with Billy sounds quite pleasurable. I've always found people to be friendly when walking a dog.

    1. Fellow dog walkers are always cheery. Raining this morning, so not so nice.

  11. Do be do be do, indeed. I had a random stranger wish me good morning on my way to the shops this morning, I've never seen her in this neighbourhood before. I spend quite a bit of time reading the paper and doing the puzzles when I get home, then I turn on the laptop and there goes the rest of the day, with so many blogs to read and comment at. If anything really needs doing, I make sure it's done before I go to get the paper, otherwise nothing gets done.

    1. Doesn't it make you feel good when people say hello like that. This should be taught to young people at school. Say "Hello", and the world will love you!
