Saturday 7 January 2023

People and Dogs.

I am more inclined to get-on with people who like animals, than with those who don't.

I've said it before, but I often prefer Dogs to certain humans.

These, below, are my daughter's two Dogs, weekending on Bribie Island, Qld, Oz.

They look like really fun Dogs. I've always liked Dogs that like water and these two obviously do. Billy goes-in up to his knees, any further is a mistake.

They look as if they ought to be siblings, but they're not. They also look like a very determined pair.

I'm very pleased that my daughter has Dogs; my two boys aren't interested at all. Not that I love them any less for it.

As George Elliot so wisely observed, "Dogs are such agreeable friends. They ask no questions, and make no criticisms". Although I must say that Billy often gives me very critical looks.


  1. i like dogs I always had dogs, when I was a little girl I would pick up abandoned dogs on the street and bring them home. This is the only time in my life that I don't have a dog at home. I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to bear the great pain of parting with them again and therefore I am still without any dog.

    1. That is a problem with owning dogs. They don't live too long, and cause terrible heartache when they leave us.

  2. My boy isn't keen on water. He walks round puddles. I probably trained him unknowingly to do that by guiding him round them as a pup!He will occasionally paddle in the nearby ford in the summer. It is lashing down here this morning so he will have to paddle along the pavements, like it or not! (he refuses to go in the garden in the rain even for a wee and he won't do his " business" in the garden anytime so we have to go out! )

    1. Billy likes the Sea, but he won't go in much higher than his elbows. He also drinks the sea water which upsets his stomach!!!

  3. I, too, love dogs. The latest girl lying by my side is my seventh furry companion. Not sure if she likes water, but does keep leaning over to look in the pool. I suspect she's admiring her reflection!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I was brought-up with Cats; we never had Dogs. I'm still very fond of Cats, especially Tabbies.

    2. Assuming David Attenborough has been quoted accurately, I'm surprised he has reached the age he has.
      Running away from animals is never an option if they are faster than you are or at least not an option that's likely to have a beneficial outcome.

    3. I imagine there is always someone with a high-powered rifle just out of sight; just in case.

    4. I've been handling animals for all my life. Just talk to them, they understand the tone of voice if not the words. You get the odd loony but it's rare.
      YP. is an idiot.

  5. I think apart from psychopaths all people love animals whether they have pets or not. Some people do not have pets because they choose not to have animals indoors or immediately around them or they travel a lot etc. etc. I know many people who do not have pets but they are still lovely people. Your daughter's dogs have very alert faces.

    1. I know several people who hate Dogs, one even threatened to kill ours, and may even have done so. We don't know why he died.

  6. Dogs are easier to photograph than people, dogs always think they look wonderful.

    1. Billy doesn't like being photographed. As soon as I point a camera at him he disappears.

  7. I will always have a dog. My Caesar likes the ocean like Billy does; only up to almost his tummy. In my experience, if a man's wife does not like dogs, there will be no dog. I've known several couples like this. These couples come to my house and like my dog but want nothing to do with having a dog in their own family. I find it odd.

    1. The worst dog-hater I've known did actually have a dog of her own, but I have no idea why.

  8. Passed my neighbour in the Street who looked quite dejected. And asking how good a Christmas he had, he responded 'terrible time. Our 14 yr old dog Boris died with cancer.'
    I also loved that dog and also felt his pain. I lost count at how many tennis balls I threw out of my window and into his garden. So I can understand Yael's point.

    1. It's dreadful when a dog dies, It's quite different to losing an elderly relative.

    2. It's worse when you have to make the final decision, even though you know you're doing the right thing.

    3. Which I've had to do twice in recent years.

  9. Dogs being daily companions and confidantes are hard to lose.

  10. Cute dogs! One of them looks like my Poppy.

    Like you, I appreciate people who love animals, and am wary of those who hate them.

  11. I don't mind cats but I'm definitely a dog person.

    1. It's a good idea to have a Cat around in the country. They tidy-up the Mouse population, and take very little upkeep.
