Friday 6 January 2023

Adonis of the future.

I have only one 'resolution' this year; and that is to lose weight. I wonder how many people are saying exactly the same thing?

I start the year at 6ft 1in and16 Stone, and intend to reach my fighting weight of 15 Stone before Easter, maybe even sooner. I'm hoping my height will remain the same.

It won't be easy giving up my Pork Pies, Scotch eggs, and Haggis, but if it goes towards getting rid of some excess weight, then I'm prepared to pay the price. However; bacon remains sacred.

No doubt my extra weight is causing pressure on my legs, so I may see some improvement in my walking abilities, although I'm not over-hopeful. I don't think I LOOK fat, so I'm not worried about aesthetics; I am not intending some Adonis-like transformation. 

I've always felt 'comfortable' at 15 Stone, so that's where I wish to be. Any lighter will be a bonus.

I'll let you know.


  1. I wish you success in your mission.

  2. Good luck. I'm sure Christmas didn't help.

    1. Far too much feasting. We always eat more in Winter.

  3. I managed to lose 2 stones a few years back by cutting out fats from my diet. Possibly a step too far if you are a cheese lover.

    1. Bacon and Cheese have to remain. Smaller lunches are the answer.

  4. You don't need to give up anything or go on a special diet to lose weight. Just halve the amount of whatever it is you were going to eat, eat really works!

    1. Of course you're 100% right. This is basically what we intend to do (are doing).

  5. Good luck with your weight loss regime Cro. It's not easy when you have a healthy appetite. Maybe I should follow your example and try to shed a few pounds too as the waistbands of my trousers all seem to have shrunk.

    1. I'm a reasonable strong willed person, so I think I'll achieve my goal. I shall give it my best anyway.

  6. That's the trouble with spending time out of the UK, you come back and cannot resist the pies, fish and chips etc. Then Christmas comes along and the serious damage is done. Once you are back in France the weight will fall off you, it always does for me in Italy.

    1. Swimming every day is like a diet in itself. I can't wait!

  7. I think you probably join a long queue with the same resolution - I am in front of you.

    1. One of millions. It's the same every year.

  8. Replies
    1. A good suggestion, reduces any picking and snacking!

  9. I'm sure you will reach your goal and, it probably won't take too long. As Sue G said above, you don't rally need to cut anything out of your diet ..... just cut down on portion sizes. Here's to a slimmer, fitter Cro. XXXX

    1. Yes, I'm sure you're right. We haven't started yet, but that's what we'll do.

  10. Eat less, do more. As my doctor tells me, you know how to do this.

    1. Unfortunately I have a very healthy appetite, but with will-power I'll win.

  11. I have the same aim cro, I have piled weight on during lockdown which needs to shift.
    I find the discipline of going to weight watchers the only thing that helps

    1. When I go shopping I shall stick to things on my list, no more grabbing at fattening things that take my fancy.

  12. Best of luck, Cro. Hope it works and you can get out walking more.

  13. I once read, portion size should be about the size of your palm. Restaurants certainly never abide with this guideline.

    1. Nor do I, I'm afraid. I'm usually quite a big eater, this will have to change.

  14. Good luck. Definitely keep the bacon and cheese and a glass of red. If you do t enjoy your regime it won't last long

  15. Smaller portions on my plate work well for me. My knees and hips really appreciate a lighter load to carry.

    1. I'm hoping it'll make some difference; we'll see.

  16. My most comfortable weight was 55kg or 121 pounds, about 8 1/2 stone, but I'm only five feet tall. Sadly, I ballooned over several years to 83kg, about13 stone, but I'm losing it now. I'm doing it slowly, crash dieting at 70 is not a good idea, so throughout 2022 I lost 5kg and am now 78kg, about 12 1/2 stone. My goal is 60kg, about 9 stone and I hope to be at or near that weight by this time next year.
    Good luck with your dieting, good idea to keep the bacon, you need at least one treat while missing the others.

    1. I've just had some bacon for my breakfast! Well done on your regime; it's not easy to keep it going for so long.
