Friday 11 November 2022

Words fail me.

What you are seeing in this photo below is some woke, smart-arse, numpty, up on a gantry crossing the very busy M25 motorway, with over a dozen policemen standing around below, gawping at him, having stopped all flow of traffic.

The M25 is the ring-road around London, and is its major artery.

As far as I can see there are only two questions. 

1. Why should one person climbing on a gantry stop traffic? I'm sure he presents no danger to motorists whatsoever. 

2. Why are all those policemen doing nothing? Either go and bring him down, or if he refuses, just handcuff him to the gantry and get on with proper crime-solving. It ain't rocket bloody science!


  1. I would deal with this incident by ignoring it completely and for nobody to ever know about its happening.. Attention is what they seek and attention is what they get.

    1. I totally agree. By attending, all they are doing is making the public very angry.

  2. Just Stop Oil are funded by a group from the USA I heard this last night. but it hasn't been mentioned again

    1. Whatever happened to the 'short, sharp, shock'? They must be dealt with.

    2. I have read somewhere that a major funder is an heiress of Paul Getty, the oil magnate. If true seems somewhat ironic.

  3. Maybe the police are splatter control in case the person falls or decides to jump on a passing vehicle. He or she is a dangerous distraction on a roadway. If I was on scene, then I am sure I would have words to share with that person.

    1. He should have been removed at once.

    2. They do not intend to splatter. Their intention is attention. We have a no oil pledge as of 2030. They should be content with that and shut up.

    3. They do not intend to splatter. Their intention is attention. We have a no oil pledge as of 2030. They should be content with that and shut up.

  4. One person didn't stop the traffic, the police did.
    The State must be on the side of he numpties.

    1. They MUST be, otherwise they would have removed him.

  5. Arrest the guy. Bring him to court. Fine him. If there are no consequences, the door remains open for more disruption.

    1. Presumably he will be taken away at some stage, so why not immediately after he'd gone up there?

  6. How about stripping all arrested Just Stop Oil protesters of everything on them that is derived from oil - clothing, possessions etc and then turn them out on the street?

  7. S/he got up there with the traffic in full flow, so why not just leave the traffic to carry on as normal and leave the protester up there, ignored, until they give up.

    1. Of course. Instead they just gawp at him, and hold-up traffic.

  8. The antics of these people just annoys me, they are stopping people going about their legal business. Water cannon and a net may be useful.

  9. Just Stop Oil? The way to stop oil dripping all over your driveway is to take your car to a garage and ask them to tighten the drain nut on the sump. Oil on the driveway can be very annoying but blocking traffic on the M25 won't help.

    1. The M25 is the life-blood of London. Everything that feeds London (people included) comes via there at one time or another. These people are idiots.

  10. HA HA HA HA....heeeeeee. You have so won me over.

  11. I say let the traffic flow and the policemen go home or back to the station. If he falls it's his own fault. Of course then the ambulance would hold up traffic.

    1. He wouldn't fall if they handcuffed him to the gantry. They could go back and get him a week later.

  12. If it was France, the French police would just shoot him ! They don't muck around. I'm sick of the way we mollycoddle these idiots.

    1. In France the CRS would spray him with tear gas, and beat the sh*t out of him.
