Friday 11 November 2022

Armistice Day.

On the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month, we will remember them.

Photo: Alphonse wearing Poppy.



  1. To all those lost great uncles and grandfathers. We remember you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. If you insist on virtue signalling please get it right.
      "Eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month."

    2. Nobody is "virtue signalling" here. We are paying homage to the glorious dead. I admit that earlier I made a mistake. Sorry. I especially remember my Uncle Jack who died in The Battle of Britain aged 23.

    3. That's sad. My dad survived but he was lucky being a flight engineer in Coastal Command, not as posh as being a fighter pilot. The luck of war or any risky pursuit.
      The reason I corrected you is that your profession is the written word. English isn't difficult. So I just thought your comment a bit lax on a serious occasion. A touch lax is virtue signalling if getting your comment posted is more important than accuracy or proof reading.

    4. So lovely Neil to see you admitting to a mistake. Sad that you hid behind the plural of "nobody is virtue signalling" though because it was about you, nobody else. Rather spoilt your admission of a mistake.

  3. We remember your sacrifice. And I remember my mother, born on this day 105 years ago

  4. Today I remember all those young men who sacrificed their futures for us.
    None more so than my own Great Grandfather, Arthur Hancock, Ambulance Driver and Farrier, who died on 9-11-18.

  5. I think you should have turned comments off as we all silently and individually remember those who died in combat.

  6. Thank you. To all those who gave their all for love of country and willingness to serve for the common good.

  7. I prefer not to remember as my family were on the "wrong" side and too many people still aren't happy about that.
