Saturday 1 October 2022

The new car.


She has finally been delivered. The new 'Compact Royce' has landed, and I've never seen a car as spotlessly clean.

I've stuck with my old favourite manufacturer, as (for me) having a French made car is the wise option. Our previous car was described by Jeremy Clarkson as 'An OAP's shopping car'; which is exactly what I wanted. This one is simply a newer model. As an 'Estate' she has plenty of room, and as we always have the back seats permanently down, it leaves an even bigger usable space. 


She does about 50 MPG, and will reach 120 MPH if encouraged. She also has gangster-tinted windows and a sliding roof. She even beeps if I'm about to hit someone whilst travelling at speed in reverse. At the same time she does NOT have too many confusing buttons, knobs, etc; although it'll take me a while to discover exactly what's what. 


She has travelled very few miles, the annual insurance costs just under £270, and Road Tax is £165. We don't have Road Tax in France, but with the combined costs it isn't much above what I was paying overall in France per annum. Of course, here in the UK we have an MOT test every year, whereas in France it was once every two years.

I will have to get used to right-hand-drive again. I haven't driven one for about 50 years.  I've also noticed that the petrol filler cap is now on the other side.

Aesthetically she is very pleasing, she is comfortable, and drives perfectly. All in all I'm very happy, and I just pray that I'll stay that way. I really don't want to have to buy another one.

Lady M has given me a good talking-to about keeping the inside clean; the last one was like a farmyard.


  1. Looks good. Your and my love of French cars (make mine a Citroen though also had a Peugeot and a Renault) is not shared by everyone. I remember a time when French cars were decreed as rusting from the bottom up (2CV). Whatever. Where there is love there will be solutions.

    As an aside: Why do you call a car a "she"?


    1. Cars have always been female. The only rusting French cars we've had have been Renaults. Our 2CV and Peugeots have all been rust-free.

    2. "Cars have always been female". Don't try that line in the motherland. You'll get funny looks.


    3. All machines are female here.
      I get funny looks without having to travel to Germany.

    4. In Welsh, vans and lorries are female...they work are male!!
      Well done on keeping to a French make...we stick to Peugeot or Citrõen....which are the same company anyway! Mind you, French electrics can be problematic!!

    5. My parents were German and they called their cars 'She' along with most of the household machinery, like washing machines and kettles etc, all were "she".

  2. Looks great. Take some keeping that way. Black cars are the very devil to keep looking clean.

    1. Always consult an idle man before making impulsive decisions.

  3. My experience with French cars has been mixed - for a number of years we had a Renault with a penchant for failed coil packs taking out one or two cylinders at a time. After the second time of help from the RAC we learned how to fix this ourselves at the roadside. Subsequent Citroen's didn't suffer this way, although both have had minor suspension issues. However, we plan to stick with them as we like the designs and looks.

    1. I would love another 2CV, but they cost a fortune these days.

    2. My first car was a Dyane 6. Was 1976 and was 20 years old and very beautiful girlfriend

    3. Our 2CV had lost its seats, which were replaced by boxes. We loved her.

  4. I always buy white cars because of the amount of dust here. It also doesn't always help to look clean.

    1. I usually buy silver as they seem to reflect the heat better. Black of course absorbs heat. The sun roof will help.

  5. She looks very shiny and I would be taking the advice about keeping the interior clean. I used to get rides to and from work with a friend and his wife insisted on keeping their new (secondhand) car so clean I had to put my handbag in the boot! I went back to riding the bus when she began asking for petrol money, since the cost would be the same as what I would spend on bus tickets.

    1. I was amazed by how clean and shiny she is, both inside and out. It won't last!

    2. I am amazed by people who regularly travel at someone else's expense, and don't make any offer to contribute financially.
      It matters not that the driver was 'going there anyway', I would always have offered a contribution to the cost of the journey, I never take advantage of anyone!

    3. I offered in the beginning, but the husband said no, the asking only happened after I mentioned how much I saved each week by not taking the bus.

  6. That is a lovely motor.I'm sure you will get used to her quickly. So shiny ! I like the shape of the headlights.

    1. She's pretty much like my last one, but with a few extras. The worst bit is steering from the other side. I think she even has Sat Nav.

  7. Happy Motoring, Cro. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

    1. I've just been out on my first ride; very nice.

  8. Very nice, but does " she" have heated seats and steering wheel? My modest little Kia is the first car of mine to have them and I am already switching the heated steering wheel on in the mornings on the way to the dog walk!

    1. I haven't visited all the 'extras' yet. But I doubt if it has heated seats, etc. It does have a good heater, but otherwise I'm not too sure.

  9. My husband's car has so many gadgets that just confuse me.
    Sat Nav, 360° cameras, heated/cooled leather seats and steering wheel, automatic braking if we get too close to the vehicle in front, cruise control (which I love), personal profiles which are identified and activated as soon as you use your key, but weirdest of all for me is the 'heads up' display which shows info projected onto the windscreen, like a cheap version of a fighter jet.
    It also cost more than four times what we paid for our first house (38 years ago) too.
    It's big, beautiful and a joy to drive or travel in, but I use it as a mobile skip, spare shoes, shopping bags, Grandson's toys, rain gear, all just dumped in there!
    Oh and her name's Gladys! X

    1. My oldest son's big German monster has that screen projection thingy. I rather like it.

    2. It just confuses me, my husband loves it, but I can't get on with it!

  10. I can see why you picked another Peugeot - makes sense - and black is such a cheerful colour!

    1. It could double-up as a hearse!

    2. Aye - especially with the back seat down - but no tall people as they would be sticking out of the back.

  11. Very nice! Enjoy your new wheels.

  12. Congratulations! She's a beauty.
    Love black, classy, solid and truthful about where it has been. No other color can out shine black when washed and polished.

    1. Mine is superb, both inside and out. I can't see it lasting.

  13. Replies
    1. I only drove 7 miles this morning, but already I'm very pleased with her.

  14. Sadly I fear my driving days are over and I no longer have a car because there is no point in having one if I can't get out and walk at the other end.

    1. My case is almost the opposite. My legs are giving me trouble, so being mobile is essential.

  15. It appears you've found the perfect replacement car. Enjoy. I'm with Lady M. - keep her clean. You must have a car wash nearby. Biweekly or monthly wash/wax/vacuum keeps everybody happy.

  16. I've always had black cars and don't agree with Adrian { sorry Adrian ! } I think all cars look dirty when they are dirty .... your new car looks lovely ..... all bright and shiny .... that never lasts unfortunately, whatever the colour 🤣 XXXX

    1. I'm sure it won't, but for the moment it looks great.
