Sunday 2 October 2022

Here we go again.

In these financially difficult times, what the country needs LEAST is being brought to a standstill by a bunch of junior layabout anarchists (The Corbyn brothers et al).

Ill-advised groups such as 'Just Stop Oil', CND, and 'Insulate Britain', have joined forces with the usual rabble, including ASLEF RMT and the Corbyn Bros, to attempt to bring central London to a standstill (as one does).

They were moaning about low wages, the cost of living, and the climate crisis, and this was how they hoped to solve it.

However, I'm not sure how disrupting life in London will help with the cost of living, nor am I sure how it would tackle the climate crisis. Perhaps they know something that the great majority of the world's population don't. Also, how pouring a bucket of mixed human faeces/urine over Sir Tom Moore's new memorial will help their cause is anyone's guess!

What I do know however, is that if either Jeremy or his conspiracy theorist brother Piers Corbyn are leading some silly march, then it's bound to be nonsensical and/or illogical. 

N.B. Just as a matter of interest, the marching lovies might like to know that a standard 42 Gallon barrel of crude oil creates not only about 20 Gallons of petrol, but a 22 Gallon residue that goes towards products as diverse as car tyres, deodorant, paint, insect repellent, guitar strings, telephones, golf balls, and even heart valves. Let them tell me that they never use any of these. The hypocrites!

Oh, and by the way Jeremy; that big plastic banner you're holding is an oil by-product. Tut tut!

It kinda makes their silly marching look rather uninformed and irresponsible.



  1. Too much time on their hands, hands incapable of producing anything including their banner and the ink it's printed with.

    1. They really should had done some research, but I'm not even sure if Corbyn knows what that is!

  2. It's a silly banner. You can't "just stop oil" Like you've said, it is used for so many things, most of which 'they' probably couldn't do without just like the rest of us.

  3. Good to see so many people out and about enjoying the fresh air though 😁

    1. I hope they all walked to the demo'. That fresh air, and lack of motorised transport, certainly has my support.

  4. In general, Tories and Tory supporters eschew any kind of protest or industrial action. They'd prefer it if everyone just doffed their caps and did as they were told. It has always been the case.

    1. When it comes to any form of protest, Tories are 'doers' not just troublesome moaners. You wouldn't find a Tory smashing petrol pumps, he or she might simply use their car a bit less often (as do I). Much more effective.

  5. Isn't the London Marathon on today? Presumably all this lot were all cleared away well before. Why do people demonstrate anyway. Nobody, specially those in charge, take a bit of norice

    1. Yes the marathon was this morning, and the marching didn't seem to stop the competitors arriving, thank goodness. You're right, no-one takes any notice of these people, especially if they have Corbyn with them.

  6. Some people seem to need a cause. I've met a few and there is no convincing them otherwise. That said, I am all for freedom of speech and peaceful protest. Disturbing the peace and disrupting an entire city should not be tolerated. This seems cause for arrest.

    1. I totally agree. They should have held their protest in Hyde Park, and not sent out children to smash petrol pumps. Then we might have listened.

  7. Couldn't have said it better myself. I find the current lot of protesters naive and darn annoying. We know that things have got to change but we need solutions not more silly plastic banners and marches that disrupt us going about out daily lives.
