Sunday 18 September 2022

What a lovely surprise.

We've not lived within stone-throwing distance of our children since they flew the nest in their late teens. They've been all over the world rather than within a short distance of chez nous.

But recently that has changed and we now have my oldest living just a few hundred yards away. 

I hope you can imagine my pleasure when recently, at about 7.30am, I came out of the park after my early morning Billy-emptying walk, and bumped into a panting Kimbo half way through his morning jog.

"Hello" a voice had said behind me. Yes it was he! What a lovely surprise. I suddenly had a warm fuzzy feeling that we were 'at home'.


  1. It is indeed a wonderful feeling when the children are so close.

  2. What a nice post...enjoy your warm fuzzies and Kimbo too.

    1. We will. We're all having a post-funeral lunch together tomorrow. Very nice.

  3. It's good to hear of something going well for another.

    1. It's a surprisingly nice feeling having a son nearby.

  4. Thats lovely.I haven't seen my oldest son for 12 years.He lives in Canada. Married to a Canadian. We speak more regularly (I see him on my phone) than when he lived here, haha.

    1. We have become so used to only speaking via Skype or WhatsApp, that we had forgotten how nice it is to have family nearby.

  5. Family and home are two of the most comforting words one can come to know. I will be 70 in December and I have found that family and home equal security and that there really is no substitute. Cro, you are at home. Enjoy !

    1. I agree with you. At our ages such things become very important.

  6. I can imagine your pleasure! I know it first hand, when I hear a daughters voice as I enter the supermarket, suddenly find a grandchild running up to me in the street, having a certain car give a toot as it passes by our cafeteria.
    It is our greatest joy to have the kids so close. Your post today brings a very warm feeling.
    I know you'll love every 'encounter,

    1. It's strange what pleasure it gives; you describe it perfectly.

  7. Ah, I miss my sister so much. I haven't seen her for far too long.

    1. Only across the water in West London but what with Covid and other issues it has been difficult.

  8. Replies
    1. John, you're lucky with your family, you all seem very close.

  9. In past centuries, people tended to live close to their core families. Geographical mobility has a lot to answer for.

    1. In rural France it's still quite common to see several generations living either close together or in the same home. Of course these days the younger family members are leaving the country, just as they did a few decades ago.

  10. I know that feeling. I experienced it many years ago when suddenly (as adults) me and my 3 siblings were living in close proximity of each other in the same city. We were always bumping into each other and we loved it. We're now all 2 hours-ish apart but we still plan regular get-togethers. I would adore it if my boys ended up living close to us one day. It makes for a lovely day dream.

    1. Yes, it's a dream come true. I'm pleased to see that others feel the same.

  11. My only child has always lived within a mile or two from our home , I can only imagine what my parents went through when I crossed an ocean wide. It's nice having your children and grandchildren close by.

    1. We now see two teenage grandchildren quite regularly, which is nice. The other four are all in Oz.

  12. I am lucky to have my oldest son living with me. I wouldn't be able to keep up with the house if he wasn't here to help me. I am so thankful for him.

    1. That sounds like a very good arrangement. Lucky you!

  13. We hardly see any of four and his three..yet they complain, however hard we try! Methinks they ought to remember that it is not a one way street!!
    You are fortunate

    1. It would be nice to see our other two, but they're too far away. We meet on WhatsApp.

  14. Having family close by is ideal. You are a very lucky man. My family members are all a plane trip away. They do fly back and forth and I'm always happy to host them.

    1. It would be nice to have the others close by too, but I don't see that happening, they're both very happy in Oz.

  15. How lovely to have Kimbo so close ..... you and Lady M must be overjoyed. Our children aren't too far away but far enough that we can't just pop in to see them whenever we want. I'm so happy for you both. XXXX

    1. Yes, we're very happy about it. And he's a lovely boy too.

  16. 35 years since I have seen any of my blood relatives.

    1. That's a long time. This is what happens when we move away to other countries, it makes us expensively accessible.

  17. Both of our sons bought their homes in the same subdivision as us. One lives three streets over and the other six streets away.

    People at work thought it was strange and commented on it (quite nastily) until one of my coworkers of Asian descent said "our culture do it all the time, why is it so strange?"

    We always told them to buy into the neighbourhood they wanted to live in even if it meant the smallest house they could afford.

    We get waves and honked horns when they drive by as we walk the dog. They will pick things up in the supermarket and stop in for their evening meal.

    Anyone have any single, female relatives in Western Canada?

  18. The Asians, Muslims, Chinese, and others all like to live close to family, I don't blame them.
    Yes, I have female relatives around Vancouver, but I think they're both married.

    1. I grew up in Vancouver and the oldest works out there a couple of times a year, lol

  19. All of my children live in my city, but it's a widespread city and they are all too far away, north, east, west. Only one drives and she is busy with work, so we don't all see each other as often as I'd like. We have to plan our get togethers and finding a day when all can manage isn't easy.

  20. I now live about a mile from my son and agree it is a good feelingl
