Tuesday 27 September 2022

Things seen in Brighton.

It was a sunny but chilly Sunday, so we went early down to the beach. At about 9 am the prom' boasted just a few Joggers and Dog-walkers, otherwise we had it to ourselves. The 'revellers' were all still in bed!

Billy had a swim (paddle), and a few local stalwarts braved the water as well; they didn't stay in too long. 

We came home via The Pavilion, outside of which was this nice clear sign (below). 


Whilst passing a well known Italian Restaurant I decided to look at their menu. The Italian chef had just arrived and was unlocking the door when he said 'Buongiorno'. We then had a 15 min conversation with him about everything Italian, and his wonderful new £40,000 pasta making machine. Life is never dull in Brighton.

Whilst in the Pavilion Gardens a desperate young lady came running up to me and asked for a Dog Poo Bag. Luckily Lady M had one, and the lady's embarrassment was saved. Naughty Pooch, and even naughtier young lady for not having a bag.

Just another Brighton morning. We met people we knew, we sat on the Prom', and we enjoyed the ambiance.


  1. When your outer wear changes with the weather it's easy to forget to transfer the poo bags to the other pocket. I've handed out emergency bags and asked for bags in the past. The beach looks beautifully empty. What a treat.

    1. The beach looks a bit dark and dingey, but it wasn't. Just the photo.

  2. Billy the former French village dog looks so happy in the waves. You do have a wonderful life there.

  3. I guess that you want to live as long as possible. Taking a daily morning dip in The English Channel would surely extend your life by several years. You will need to invest in a union jack swimming cap.

    1. Before returning to Brighton we had made a firm commitment to swim in the sea. Once back things looked different! No way; far too cold. I might paddle though.

  4. Morning walks on the beach when the rest of the world sleeps is ideal. The September sea is extremely cold for a swim. Billy seemed to enjoy his splash in the sea.

    1. Far too cold for us, as well as some of the stalwarts who swam just a few strokes, then rushed back to the beach.

  5. Hope you intend to sample that pasta before long to give us a review

    1. I'm sure we will. It's a restaurant that's been there for about 40 years, and always has the most delicious aromas coming from the basement kitchen.

  6. I have noticed that many people just say Good Morning and pass on by, but if you say Good Morning to an Italian or a Greek, you are caught up in friendly conversation more often than not.

    1. People generally here are very friendly. In France (these days) they just pass by without even looking at you. Maybe with a scowl, but nothing more.
