Monday 26 September 2022

Basket case.

My oldest has a finely honed sense of humour.

Imagine the fun we had when he recently presented me with 'chips in a basket', exactly like the method I'd previously complained about at my favourite restaurant in France. 

Laugh; I almost spilt my Pécharmant.

The steak was a Rib Eye and was so tender it almost fell apart by just looking at it. Fab!

This (below) was the original that I had moaned about, and caused such amusement!


  1. Cro, no wonder you complained about the previous steak... there is way too much salad!
    But I prefer the look of those chips

    And a little late; your churchyard elm may well have been inoculated against Dutch Elm Disease, a lot of "significant" trees were.....
    it is an expensive business, which is why only outstanding trees / avenues get the treatment.... therefore, it might be worth enquiring about the tree itself.
    Elm, however, has now become a very short live "shrub" of a tree... I have a number here... never get above 20ft before the bark beetles arrive and the fungus they carry infects that tree. But they are still here, and as they sucker like crazy.... probably always will be.

    1. It was the pretentious basket that annoyed me the most. They never used them before.

      Yes, I wonder too if the trees have been treated. There are several around the church and they all look extremely healthy.

  2. Both plates look good, I don't remember the complaints but you always notice the small details so you are probably right.

    1. Both steaks were exceptional, as were the chips. I just didn't think the basket was necessary, or made the dish look more interesting.

  3. They taste so much better out of a basket.

    1. No they don't. They taste exactly the same.

    2. Oh yes they do! (It's nearly pantomime season!).
      PS They don't really

  4. Although we are political opposites, I am totally with you on the question of chips in baskets. Bloody pointless. If they are ever served to me like that, I just tip the chips onto my plate and chuck the stupid basket over my shoulder.

    1. I'd always thought you were a good Tory boy! I agree, totally pointless basket. They should be banned.

  5. Don't like the wire basket at all. Put the chips on the blathy plate so I can throw ketchup all over them!
    Your son reminds me of
    He only does it to annoy because he knows it teases

  6. Mmm...that ribeye looks delicious. I love a good steak. I like the thickness of the fries in the second plate, though.

    1. Yes, the actual 'French' fries were very nice. Kimbo's weren't bad either!

  7. There may be a perfectly sensible explanation for serving Pommes in baskets. Not least that the chips/frites won't go soggy when the blood (medium rare) seeps out of your steak, salad dressing going out of its way etc. There are countries (Europe, and most certainly Eastern Europe) where individual plates come with compartments to keep food apart - and then it's up to the diner to mix it up or not.

    Other than that, Kimbo is growing on me. Not only is he quite a looker with that certain "je ne sais quoi"; he also does have the gift to tease his father and make him laugh! Wow.


    1. One of my greatest pleasures in life was realising that he had a wonderful sense of humour.

  8. Steak and chips and fish and chips are popular meals. The last 2 restaurants I've been to eliminated the basket. Everything was together on a single plate. The challenge is: find steak and chips together! I see another meal coming your way...

    1. Steak and chips is my meal of choice, as long as the steak is cooked correctly, and not tough. Lovely. Both the above were perfect.

  9. I am not a steak eater so have never had one.

    1. Gosh. I can't imagine life without good steak.

  10. I don't care if the chips are in a basket or on the plate, I'll eat them however they come 😂. It looks divine !XXXX

    1. Me too. I just thought the basket was unnecessarily pompous. But the joke was good.

  11. I like those little chips baskets. They're not necessary, but cute. I wonder if they were used because each one holds a single serve and can be kept in a warming oven until needed. I also like beef so tender it falls apart.

    1. If the restaurant had always used the baskets, I would have thought nothing of it. But their sudden appearance rather took me by surprise and seemed unnecessary.
