Sunday 10 July 2022

Pruning the Palms

Actually it's not so much pruning as de-seeding.

Palms are lovely trees, especially around a pool. Unfortunately they do have one major fault; they produce seeds by the thousand which if left on the trees will drop into the water. They need to be removed.

I have no idea how tall this particular tree is, but it requires a three-piece ladder to reach the top where the huge bunches of seeds are to be found.

The job is achieved thanks to a branch lopping saw blade which is attached to a long pole. Even at the top of the ladder I needed the extra metre or more that the handle offered.

And here are the culprits. Huge bunches of seeds; which if sown will easily produce small palm trees. 

A nice job for an early Sunday morning; very satisfying when completed.



  1. That is a very big job and an extremely tall ladder. Hopefully Lady M was near to ensure you were safe throughout the job. I'd agree, it's very satisfying to complete a big job.

    1. She'd gone for a walk, and scolded me later for doing it by myself!!

  2. It's time to teach your grandson to climb the ladder. He looks capable. And Lady M was right to scold you.

  3. By the way...what do you do with the seeds? That's quite a bit load of them. Are they good for any other use?

    1. They get put on the bonfire. I already have 6 trees, so no point sowing any more.

  4. I really hate the palm trees. There are some of them here and everywhere their seeds.

    1. The seeds are a pest. I wish I'd known about them before I planted it.

  5. So you could have a whole avenue of palm Trees?

    1. No problem. Underneath this particular tree are dozens of small plants. I occasionally pot-up a few to give away, but otherwise I just dig them up and throw away.

  6. A very dangerous job for anyone over fifty.

  7. I agree it is time for someone younger to be doing that job now. We have date palms in my suburb, I often see them loaded with bright orange dates, then one day they are gone, but I've never seen anyone doing the pruning.

  8. We see them trimming the older leaves in the parks and roadside palms in Whanganui...we wondered why until we saw how heavy they are!
    Not something you want landing on your head!!
