Monday 11 July 2022

BBQ Season

I love this time of year. It's hot, we wear the minimum of clothes, and we always eat outdoors.

I've had this BBQ for several decades. I believe it is German; a simple cast iron and steel, pot bellied contraption, that always works well. I shall miss it when it eventually falls to bits.

Here it is caressing some Cumin flavoured Lamb ribs and a few Merguez sausages, whilst some distant person was singing 'Why are we waiting'.

Lady M goes to our nearby market every Saturday morning, and this week returned with a big bag of French Beans. I like everything about Beans, topping them (I don't remove the tails), cooking them, and eating them. They were the prefect accompaniment to our mini meat-fest.

Plates are by Auge-Laribe in Biot, Provence. The large oval one is antique, the round ones I had made for us. I think I ordered 10, and they arrived by post; all perfect. That must have been about 30 years ago. We use them for 'special occasions' only, in fact I think we should use them more often. They make a meal more pleasant.


  1. I think you should use them more often too. I love the little barbecue, it looks sturdy enough to last quite a bit longer and I love beans too.

    1. I should have photographed the BBQ from the side; it's a funny looking thing.

  2. A meal pleasing to all the senses. Funny how food tastes better on a plate that's aesthetically pleasing.
    Beans are in full season here. Ive blanched and frozen a few bags.

    1. That particular green glaze is really good to eat from. It really does enhance the pleasure.

  3. Checking out Google for the potter shows the image your stack of ten (plus knife) from September 2019.

    1. How funny; I shall have to look myself. I had a feeling I'd written about the potter, but wasn't sure.

  4. Good plates and good cutlery seem to enhance one's dining enjoyment.

  5. You are rather optimistic that the barbeque will fall apart before you do.
    PS. That was a quote from YP made to me privately.

    1. Thanks for the laugh, Andrew. My thought entirely on reading Cro's post. Not that I was going to say a word.

      I am nowhere near his age yet even I have started looking at certain paraphernalia around the house thinking (and hoping) they'll outlive me unless I smash them wilfully beforehand.


    2. YP is an alien, he knows nothing of BBQ's.

  6. Those pot bellied shaped BBQs are brilliant. I have a small one, perfect. I BBQ meat and fish during the summer months. Sometimes I BBQ and then eat the food indoors if the weather is inclement.

    1. We have a small one in Brighton. This is the second bigger one I've owned. They work really well.

  7. Food always looks better on favourite plates
    and tastes better too.

    1. It's very true. It makes a lot of difference.

  8. BBQ makes the meat taste wonderful. Add the spices and a bit of char and it really is outstanding. As you say, perfect for a warm summer day. Your green plates are lovely.

    1. I particularly like Cumin flavoured Lamb on the BBQ; even thinking about it makes me hungry.

  9. We too are having B.B.Q's. Rude not to in this weather!

    1. I totally agree. The BBQ gods would frown upon us!

  10. I love using the BBQ in the summertime, keeping the kitchen cool, and reminds me of my girl guide days :)

    1. My wife was a Girl Guide in Washington DC, she still has her sash covered in badges!
