Sunday 17 July 2022

How lucky we are.

Our oldest friends are without doubt the best. The ones we've known for 50 years, and have grown-up with, are little treasures.

They don't put on airs and graces, their personalities have always remained much the same, and they are not members of some silly clique. They are simply quiet, sensible, and generous people. Almost a dying breed.

My good friend J (I've known 5 generations of his family) is a case in point. Yesterday, in the sweltering mid-day sun, he turned-up at the house with a cardboard box full of Tomatoes and Beans. 

Life is not always kind to the nicest of people. His wife has Covid, plus other more serious problems, and he's just told us that his daughter has it too. Perhaps his gift was a 'lockdown survival box'; we certainly won't be going out too much, this wretched virus is back again, and serious.

Life is better when one has friends like J.


  1. Those beans and tomatoes look very nice. The virus is rampant again here as well.

    1. We were just beginning to think that the risk was waning, but it now looks like the opposite. I hope you're feeling better.

  2. Yes, finally starting to feel better. We are hoping to get our 3rd booster this week.

    1. We'll get our second one, plus a Flu' jab, when we get back to Blighty. Good to hear you're feeling better; it's been quite a struggle.

  3. Hope you have some cool spots - your weather sounds shocking.

    1. It' now 9.30 am and I've finished all my today's tasks. It's already hot, and will get much hotter. We'll stay indoors between swims, not much more we can do.

  4. Good friends are more valuable than material things. We lost our best friend to cancer a few years ago and we still miss him very much.

    1. Indeed. Good friends who remain so are worth their weight in gold. Others who suddenly stab you in the back are the worst.

  5. You have the best kinds of friends, caring and sharing without judging. I plan on growing beans this coming summer.

    1. French Beans are the staple diet here in Summer, and they are preserved for Winter by the tonne. That and Tomatoes and we're in heaven.

  6. Have just seen the out of control fires in France on my TV news. Are you and your friends safe?

    1. We are safe, thank you. The annual fires are usually further South from here. My fingers are crossed!

  7. True friends are a rare breed. Especially today. Sad really. You friend must have an abundance of toms and beans and it is very nice to share. Covid is inching upwards in Massachusetts too. Last night in Boston there was a big indoor concert and almost nobody wore a mask. There is talk about further modifying the vaccines to better combat the new variants. The writing is on the wall; we're going to face another surge.

    1. It certainly looks like it. Tomorrow is my shopping day, and I shall certainly be wearing a mask; not that it will save me!!

  8. It does look like another surge of Covid is beginning. I will get a 2nd booster soon... was going to wait for the new vaccine, but have decided it might be best to booster now. And yes, old friends are 'gold'...

    1. We'll get our second boosters when we return to England in 6 weeks time. It's all becoming rather serious again.

  9. Those kind of friends are the best , true friends. Not acting like they are your friends. It is so easy to be around them. Lucky you !

  10. My, what long beans you have. I hope their kindness is repaid with a quick and full recovery for those affected.

    1. Yes, me too. They're amongst my favourite people.

  11. A friend of fifty years is precious beyond silver and gold.

    1. And J hasn't changed in all those years. He's a lovely chap.
