Saturday 16 July 2022

A Cat by Moonlight.

Trying to take a night-time photo of the moon with a mobile phone is not easy; but it'll give you a rough idea.

The recent full moon has been spectacular here. With cloudless skies it has resulted in such bright moonlight that it could almost have been sunlight. This picture (below) was taken at 5 am, and it was much lighter than it looks.

Whilst moon-watching (from indoors) I noticed that one of our movement activated lights had turned itself on. It was a Cat wandering around and sniffing at things. I turned on the outdoor light to see whose Cat it was, but I didn't recognise it. It didn't run away so I was able to watch it from inside the kitchen. I'm told there are some wild (feral) Cats around, so maybe this was one.

I'm happy to have Cats around, especially if they put the bejeezus up the local Mouse population. No doubt Cats enjoy a full moon as much as we do.

I've now swapped my photo for one of Lady M's; so much better than mine!


  1. Nice photo, the Moon is bright there.

  2. Moonlight is always very beguiling.

    1. I expect it was the same everywhere, but it seemed particularly spectacular.

  3. It was a brilliant moon. My weather app is reporting it as gibbous now. I have no idea what the means. Lady M was up at 5am too?

    1. I actually get up at 5 am every morning, I expect Lady M was up for a 'call of nature'.

  4. We are still light through the night so the moon made no difference. It's on a clear winter's night we benefit the most.

    1. I rather like being able to see at night, I find it very comforting.

  5. Yes the moon ha been pretty spectacular here too.

    1. We had about four nights when it was almost like daylight.

  6. I believe this is called the supermoon.
