Thursday 7 July 2022


It's been a month, and the 'lawn' is now greening-up. 

There are plenty of Greengages on the tree, and I shall bottle some for our upcoming Brighton Winter. 

Elsewhere there are Apples, Pears, loads of Grapes, Peaches, Quinces, and burgeoning Figs. How much of them we'll get to eat is anyone's guess.

It's a bit strange not having any veg' growing at Haddock's. This must be the first time in nearly 60 years that I've not had a veg' garden. I had planned to make the area into a fun garden with BBQ etc, but I don't think I'll bother. It'll only become overgrown!

A period of hot weather coming up, so, other than my constant mowing duties, it would be perfect for watching Wimbledon. Unfortunately I find Tennis one of the more tedious of sports, and unless there's a miracle we probably already know the winner. Then they can all move on, and do it all again elsewhere.


  1. You'll be missing Brighton soon and all the things you can do there, like what I am not sure, but you liked them whatever. You never described much except walking Billie and eating.

    1. We're not missing it just yet, but we'll be happy to return again. Both places are interesting in their own rights.

  2. The pictures look like a very peaceful place to live. I don't think I could be mowing that much lawn though.

    1. It's easy enough sitting on a ride-on.

    2. Quite fun even! In all it takes about 1.5 hrs to mow the whole lot; I shall be out there again this afternoon mowing 'The Golf Course'.

    3. But then there are edges and grass encroaching on cultivated soil to deal with too. However, we all have our home duties.

    4. You are kidding Andrew. It's not Brighton Pavilion, it's just some grass round an old pile of bricks and stone in the shape of a house in rural France.

    5. No fancy edging, or perfect flower beds. 'Rustic' is the byword here.

  3. Our neighbours fig trees are full of fruit this year. As they no longer come for the summer and most of the fruit hangs over the road I will soon be gathering for us.
    As for Wimbledon, well you like it or you don't. I do but its not shown on Greek tv so I'm just waiting for the results, probably as you say , we know the winner.

    1. I've never know a year when we didn't have too many Figs. The trees are loaded, but it'll be a while before they ripen.

  4. Mr and Mrs Johnson and the children will soon be looking for a secret getaway location. I will send them your contact details but don't expect him to do any washing up, pool cleaning or bed-making.

  5. It's looking fine and none the worse for your absence. In a way it is a pity you are not in Brighton. You could attempt a Channel swim towards France.

    1. It's taken a month to get it looking that way. It was disastrous when we arrived. We've (I hope) organised a pukka gardener for next year.

  6. Your fruit trees look fantastic. The lawn is looking good too. It is a beautiful countryside property. Your new gardener could send you pictures of the work completed. This could be a requirement for payment. Knowing everything is being maintained in France while you are in Brighton is important.

    1. Luckily we hope to have a friend staying over winter, so he'll be able to keep a check on things.

  7. Everything is so beautiful as if you have not left for three months.

    1. But it's taken a month for it to return to how it was when we left. I hope we won't have to go through all that again.

  8. Your phots come around again like the seasons
