Wednesday 6 July 2022

Après Boris?


Having just watched Boris at PMQ's, it does look as if he is about to quit. The knives are out, and people are now 'seriously' looking to replace him.

It's a sad state of affairs as Boris, despite all his problems, is head and shoulders above most of The Young Turks who are out for blood.

However, there are plenty of heavyweights amongst the Tories. Gove, Sunak, Javid, Hunt, Zahawi, and my own favourite Penny Mordaunt. 

I just hope they choose the right woman for the job!


  1. It is looking more and more that he wants to be where is because of what the job is, not for what he can do

    1. He's had a lot to cope with, besides all the jealousy, etc.

  2. Like the vast majority of British citizens, I shall not mourn his passing. Where are the £350 million a week for the NHS that he promised on the side of the Brexit bus? Still nowhere to be seen.

    1. If I remember correctly it said 'We send £350 Million a week to the EU, lets fund the NHS instead'. No mention of giving the NHS £350 Million a week. It's a common mistake.

    2. A common mistake? I think it was intentionally stated that way. Not very decent.

    3. Pudding, The vast majority couldn't care less. The NHS is barely, if at all fit for purpose. Maybe if we left the un democratic EU then we would have the money. Be a shame to waste it though.
      I refuse to accept opinions on anything that someone who voted for Jared states.
      Best not to vote at all.

    4. Wendy, of course he meant it, but not ALL of it. It doesn't say that at all, that's just the left 'stirring'.

    5. Thanks Adrian, you saved me the bother of having to say it.

  3. Politics is a dirty game. Stay tuned as the drama plays out.

    1. I really felt sorry for Boris this morning. He's made plenty of mistakes, but with all the troubles around him he's done a good job. The alternative was Corbyn, Abbott, and Rayner; a nest of incompetent Marxists. Thank goodness we got Boris.

  4. Replies
    1. I do hope that Penny puts her name forward, she'd be a breath of fresh air.
