Monday 6 June 2022

Things we've been missing.


Firstly we've really missed pukka sausages. I cannot understand why 99.9% of all UK sausage-makers are incapable of simply mincing Pork and stuffing it into casings, without adding all sorts of 'extenders' and chemicals. 

Nothing could be easier, simpler, and tastier, that a pure Pork sausage with slight seasoning.

I did become quite used to the best that Sainsbury's had to offer, but they cannot compare to 100% Pork.

One of the other things we missed was good French Patisserie. Something as simple as a Strawberry Tart is so much better here than elsewhere. Maybe it's the Strawberries, maybe it's the pastry, or maybe it's the Crème patissiere. Whatever it is, it certainly makes a difference. 

These were delicious, and were consumed for our two-person street party.

Since the stormy weather and accompanying downpour, we have a few Girolles in the woods. Oh how we've missed just popping into the woods for our lunch!

This photo (below) is taken from a previous year. I forgot to take a photo of my yesterday's haul.


  1. Good quality English sausages from independent makers are the best. Stand up for English sausages! However, I will concede regarding the strawberry tarts. As Monsieur Macron said, "You can't beat a French tart".

    1. When we returned to the UK last October, one of the things I was really looking forward to were English Bangers. I was really disappointed. As for the French tarts, I won't hear a word against them.

  2. Fruit tarts! I love them and I know how to make them, though mine never look as pretty. I make larger ones to slice and share. Little individual ones are too fiddly. The bangers look yummy and makes me want some with onion gravy and mashed potato.

  3. I am confused. You used to say you couldn't get sausages in France. Are you now saying you can and praising them?

    1. I've NEVER said you can't get Sausages in France; they're the best you can buy.

    2. Ah right. No need to shout. You must have said you missed British sausages and bought a kind of French sausage. No need for all of us to go through how to get a good British sausage all over again for you.

  4. When you're away from home you yearn for things that are unavailable. Now you've tried those you can appreciate the best.
    Enjoy them all

    1. I shall start missing Pork Pies before long.

  5. I've told you before Cro, make your own sausages, it really is easy and you don't need any casings. 500g of minced pork, some grated dried breadcrumbs saved from 2 or 3 end crusts from your loaf of bread and whatever herbs etc you want in them. Bit of water to bind, maybe a beaten egg if you're worried about them falling apart but not really necessary, make them into sausage shapes. It really is that simple, you can freeze whatever you're not using immediately and bag them up ready for use when you want. Depending on what size you make this could make up to about10 sausages, (but I'm guessing in your case it might reach about 4, haha!).

    1. I could certainly make my own here, as the stuffing mix is also sold without the casings; just as 'mince'. I wouldn't add anything to it.

  6. I was rather amazed by the high quality of fruit and vegetables in Europe. English were second rate and Australia's third rate. We can buy very good sausages here but not from a supermarket.

    To YP, Portuguese tarts are better. Mind, I've never come across a tart I did not like.

    1. Plenty of quality food here in France, but the restaurants are becoming lazy. Those Portuguese tarts may be small, but they're very good.

  7. You can't beat a good sausage.

    1. Almost the first thing I did on our return was to stock the freezer with Chorizo BBQ sausages, Merguez, and ordinary Toulouse sausages; you can't beat them.

  8. Clearly you miss certain aspects of France after 40 years of living there full time. I do not know all the intricacies of French and UK laws but there has to be a way for you to maybe equally split your time between France and the UK. Would different rules apply if your home in France was part of a business; maybe C. Magnon, Ltd.? The French do have marvelous baked goods everywhere.

    1. We could buy an extension Visa to give us 6 months, or apply for a Carte de Sejour to live here permanently, but neither really suits us. The freedom we had before Brexit was perfect.

  9. Replies
    1. Good to be back too; even despite several annoyances.

  10. Nobody does a strawberry tart like the French.

    1. The Strawberry in the middle turned out to be a Cherry, complete with pip. It was delicious.
