Sunday 5 June 2022

Getting there!

The biggest headache is always the pool. Will it be swamp-like and filled with algae? Will some creature have fallen in? Will the pump and filter still work? The problems that could befall it are endless after an absence of nine months. Taking off its over-wintering cover is always stressful.

Luckily all went well. The water is still a bit opaque, but that will go in time. The temperature is now around 24 C, and as you can probably see by the photo, I had just exited after a very refreshing swim.

Our other major headache was the long grass everywhere; it was extremely depressing compared to how it was left last October. Still, after a week's work, and some help from our good neighbour Claude, it is now cut short; even if it is a horrible beige colour.

We've had some serious rain, so the colour will be back in its cheeks again before too long.

We're getting there!



  1. Aside from the lawn looking a little brown, it all looks so lovely.

    1. Yes, we can relax a bit now. The main tasks are done, and we can begin to enjoy ourselves.

  2. Replies
    1. The lawn could do with some improvement, but it's 'greening-up' already.

  3. It didn't take long to get it ship shape and ready for partying.

    1. Wills, Kellogg, and the boys should have been here yesterday, but no sign of them as yet. Party on hold!

    2. We've just heard they've gone to Australia instead. Never a dull moment.

    3. That's sad. You would have been looking forward to fun and games with the boys.

  4. Is Billy happy to be back as well? He will be so glad to see all the family together.

    1. He's loving it, even though he's already met some of the dog-haters that we have here now. He hasn't forgotten who they are!

  5. What a beautiful place you have there.

    1. Yes, it's very nice. I just wish we could be here all the time, like it was before Brexit.

  6. Very windy here this morning but not cold. (I am surprised at your reply to Yael as you seemed to be enjoying Brighton so much).

    1. We would rather be in one place these days; either in Brighton or here. Moving house twice a year isn't ideal.

    2. I think judging by the joy you have been experiencing and sharing with us in Brighton you should make that your home then.

  7. You seem to have neglected to run the union jack up your flagpole to remind all those garlicky Gitanes Frenchies that the roast beef eaters are back!

    1. The flags-n-bunting are indoors, we've been singing 'Rule Britannia' since Friday.

  8. It looks absolutely lovely. I'm looking forward to some pictures of the inside, (when you have time.) I have a strong urge to peek through your front door.

  9. You know, looking at the gorgeous pictures of your neighbor's property led me to wonder how long you have had your own property and what improvements you have done to bring it to its present glory. Do you have before and after pictures?

    1. In 1972 I bought a big farmhouse complete with lots of huge stone buildings. I bought our present home about 8 years later; it was a one room ruin with nothing. We've spent ever since doing things to it. I think we'll stop now!

    2. Oh dear. You do not ever want to say THAT out loud. It's an invitation for all manner of things to fall apart.

  10. The pool is looking good and you must have enjoyed the swim. 9 months away (empty) certainly changes the state of the property but with your diligence it is being nicely restored. With the new limited 3 months in France requirement, I'd be tempted to make the property a family compound and family members/relatives/close friends could rotate through while abiding with the 3 month rule. It is a glorious property that should be enjoyed 12 months.

    1. That's a good idea, but sadly we don't have too much family in Europe.

  11. The land does look very dry but your trees are flourishing. We are watering our trees and garden now but we are waiting for the first water bill to see if we'll continue. Water prices have gone up considerably.
    The pool looks so inviting. We have very high temperatures this weekend. I could do with a dip in that beautiful blue water.

    1. We've had a few days of violent storms, with quite a lot of rain. In fact the pool is about an inch deeper than it should be.

  12. Yesterday's photo of cherries had me drooling. I love poking around in old farm houses. The history and way of life intrigues me. Your beautiful French countryside would be a haven for a week's vacation; however, I much prefer the energy of the city/suburbs for day-to-day living. No frogs under the pool tarp this year?

    1. No but I did find a Toad in the skimmer a few days later. I sent him on his way.

  13. Lucky you. The temperature is 14outside.

    1. 14 C is OK. Anything over 12 C and I'm in shorts.

  14. It's 14C here in Adelaide today and raining, we are all wearing many layers to keep warm. Your place is looking really lovely. I have always liked old stone houses.
