Thursday 9 June 2022

The Next Tory Leader?

I have been notoriously wrong with my predictions concerning Conservative Leaders, so I shall try once again. 

Rees-Mogg maybe, or Dishy-Rishi, or even Gove? There are plenty of exceptional political minds to choose from.

Some might remember that I championed Rory Stewart as a future PM; and look what happened to him. By the way, what DID happen to him? Whatever is was, it was such a waste!

One has to presume that Boris will relinquish his position at some stage or other, and those of us who are interested in such things are once again making predictions.

Amongst my favourites for the position is Penny Mordaunt. A female political Pitbull who doesn't suffer fools gladly. She is bright, has a good head of hair, and can savage the most tenuous of opponents. She also has a fine turn of cynicism, which is surprisingly refreshing.

All that remains is to see if she wants the job. Here she is (below) in full flow making the Labour Deputy Leader look like a hypocritical dimwit. Do watch it to the end; she's an impressive lass.


  1. Sorry, Cro, Rees-Mog might have a mind of sorts but he would be the best gift the Tories could give their opponents. Penny Mordaunt might be a good choice but would voters warm to her?

    1. She may not be 'The Iron Lady' but she's made of hardened Steel. I think she'd be quite popular, and would certainly do a good job.

  2. Cro for PM!
    I'd vote for you.

  3. Rory Stewart works for a charity in Jordan. He does a weekly podcast with Alistair Campbell called 'The Rest is Politics', which I listen to and find interesting. On one episode he described the machinations of the leadership contest he was part of; it was eye opening.

    1. He's an interesting man. He speaks several languages 'fluently', he tutored the young Princes William and Harry, and has numerous other tributes. It's a shame that he left politics.

  4. A good friend of mine who is well into his eighties and who spent most of his working life in the steel industry said to me a few weeks ago, "The only good Tory is a dead one!". It is quite an extreme view I know - but not uncommon.

    1. Don't forget that it's the Socialists who 'Tax and Spend', and the Tories who are always left to clear-up the mess. Don't ever forget too, that the Socialists have NEVER left a period of office with less unemployed than they began with. Tory success is never popular with The Left, so it's not surprising that some lefties think as they do; it must be very frustrating for them.

    2. What lovely people you mix and empathise with.

    3. Don't worry Adrian, Cro just thinks YP is funny and lets him off.

  5. I think I heard Mrs May survived a no confidence motion and seven months later resigned. Maybe the same will happen to Boris. His replacement will need to be smart, cool and present well, and not as a bumbling buffoon.

  6. She's impressive. Comes across strong. Tells it like it is. Sometimes, the truth hurts.

    1. She's not as 'diplomatic' as many, but I see that as a good thing.

  7. I watched it to the end and I fear you must have uploaded the wrong clip.


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