Friday 10 June 2022

Bugg*r; I've bin nabbed!

It's a horrible feeling. You're driving along, trying not to get lost, and desperate to reach home as quickly as possible; then some anonymous machine says "say cheese", and a bloody speed camera flashes at you. "Oh sh*t"; you say, and start wondering how much those few extra illegal Kph's will cost you.

I'm not a speed merchant. I'm never in a hurry, so a speeding ticket is a rarity. In fact they say I was doing 81 in a 70 Kph area. OK, maybe I was. Guilty m'lud.

So, my little peccadillo will cost me €45 if I pay within 15 days, or €68 if I leave it for more than 15 days. If I don't pay before 45 days it will cost me €180. I shall go to see the lovely Sylvie, who runs the nearby tobacconist (where such fines are paid), and I'll pay it at once. 

Damn, bugg*r, blast, f*ck, sh*t, bugg*r, bugg*r, bugg*r... Right, I feel better now; I needed to get that off my chest!

And here's my receipt (below). The lovely Sylvie took my money, and made me say 10 Hail Marys. It's a strange way to pay fines, but it's always been thus; you pay at the tobacconist.


  1. My ex always put off paying his fines until a final notice appeared in the mail, then he'd say, "since you're going that way, could you pay this for me?" and hand me the envelope. Of course when I went to pay, only the fine notice was in the envelope, never any money, but I paid anyway. Just one of many reasons why I divorced him. He never understood that paying it straight away would save him money. of course he ended up saving money by having me pay.

    1. I always pay everything, and everyone, as quickly as possible. The very word 'debt' fills me with horror.

    2. Me too. My parents were always in debt and I promised myself I never would be.

  2. Your speeding ticket is quite cheap. I once got a parking ticket here, here where everyone parks illegally. Can't remember how that happened. I can remember that it was 80 euros, half price if you paid within 40 days. Otherwise our fines go onto our tax bills.
    You'll be more care ful next time I bet

    1. I'm usually a very good boy; I always abide by speed limits. I must not have seen the sign.

  3. Tsk, tsk. Naughty Cro.
    Your language made me blush too.

    1. I apologise for my use of the words damn blast etc. I have washed my mouth out with carbolic.

  4. Stay Calm and Breathe! All that swearing will get you into a tizz - Just say "Oh Dear" it's better for the heart!

    1. A few expletives do make one feel better, but it's not to be recommended.

  5. Sorry that happened to you. Glad you are feeling better.

  6. I do make an effort to stay within the speed limit and I've never received a fine, but that is partly luck at times. How convenient to be able to pay your fine and buy your Gauloises at the same shop. The French really get some things right at times.

    1. It's a charming idea, to use the tobacconist as tax collector. My days of Gauloises are long gone; I smoked them for about 40 years.

  7. A good way to pay fines. The convenience means more get paid I should think.
    Now you have to relax that right foot a little!!

    1. I'm usually so cautious. It was a long journey, and it's almost inevitable that one will make a mistake somewhere or other.

  8. 10 plus over the speed limit guarantees a ticket. 5 plus usually gives you a pass. Oh well, you are officially welcomed back to France. Tsk, tsk...

    1. The Gendarme's Ball will have plenty of beer this year!

  9. So a bit like doing 50 in a 40. Easily done. A lot less fuss than speeding tickets in the UK. Do you get points on your licence? I remember in Morocco the police used to just pull cars over and say you were speeding and then take a bribe, especially on a Friday night when they wanted money for the weekend. Our driver kept a wallet full of cash ready.

    1. On the form it said that they had added one point to my licence, which they'll take off once I'd paid. But seeing as I have a UK licence, I'm not sure it would apply. The last time I spoke to someone about my licence I asked if I had any points on it, and was told it was clean.

  10. The only time that I catch myself speeding is on the way to my son's house. When I get on the freeway, if I stick to the speed limit, people flash by me as if I am driving backwards. If I keep up with traffic flow, I'm speeding. It makes me nervous sometimes, but I've never been ticketed.

    1. I think this is only my second fine in France. So not too bad!

  11. I have been ticketed twice in my life.

    1. Nasty, isn't it. I think my count is THREE.

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