Friday 3 June 2022


Did I ever mention how much I hate the colour orange? 

It's my least favourite colour. I would never wear orange clothes, buy an orange carpet, or hang orange curtains.  

Nor, frankly would I use for my French internet connection if there was a viable alternative.

The British telecom Co 'Vodaphone' is a world leader, and after its acquisition of the German Co Mannesmann they were ordered by Brussels to sell the telecoms Co 'Orange'. France jumped in, and France Telecom bought Orange in around year 2000. Brussels didn't like the idea of a UK telecoms Co being so all-powerful. 

Whilst back in the UK recently, from Oct 2021 to May 2022, my internet connection (BT) didn't fail once. I've been back in France now for almost a week and already the bloody connection is at best 'hit-n-miss'. A huge area hereabouts was recently without the net for a whole day.

As I write it very erratic. On, off, on, off. It's ridiculous. This morning we've had some distant flashes of lightning and a few even more distant rumblings of thunder. AT ONCE our connection fails. What the hell is wrong with these people? They couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery.

My hatred of all things orange, especially, has been enhanced.


  1. Orange was all the rage in the 70s and I had orange dining chairs, orange curtains, orange and beige lounge suite, non of those is left now and I would never buy orange again. I can understand your frustration with the internet connection, when mine goes out (rarely) I get snappy and find it hard to settle down to doing anything else. Perhaps you should remain in Brighton where it is better?

    1. We had a noisy storm last night and all remained OK. Maybe they've fixed the problem (for a day or two)

  2. I don't like the colour but love eating them.

    1. The fruit is the only good thing about the colour.

  3. This makes an interesting read...and the Mannesman business was in 1999
    Not as British as it seems. Even from the start!
    Orange here went to EE...and now that and Plusnet are actually owned by BT.....
    I always liked Orange here, only went to Vodafone for convenience..but they aren't always that good

    1. When Orange was with Vodaphone, it was fine. Only since France Telecom runs it has it become dire.

    2. That didn't ring I checked the history...only connected with Vodafone for three months in 2000! Then they sold it off...just check all the ins and outs of all the companies..a tangled web indeed!!

  4. Since Manx Telecom's Internet facility was bought up by an investment company our WiFi service has rapidly worsened. A little asset stripping going on perhaps.

  5. I didn't know Orange was owned by Vodafone. Vodafone built a disastrous reputation here and pretty well had to go back to scratch and re-invent itself. Our privatised giant Telecom reigns supreme. What did BT become?

    The least one should expect in a civilised country in 2022 is fast and reliable internet. Without good old infrastructure, many poorer countries do better by using 4 and 5G.

    1. BT are still BT and provide good service. They are the bedrock of telecommunications in the UK.

  6. Since they switched here to fiber optics no thunder and lightning have any effect on the state of the internet.

    1. I'm not sure what they use here; probably two tin cans and a length of string.

  7. Do you like to eat oranges, satsumas and mandarins? (All orange in colour) What about Red Leicester cheese?

    1. I do eat orange coloured fruits, but were I OMNIPOTENT, I would change them to red.

    2. Only God is OMNIPOTENT - assuming he even exists of course.

    3. That's what I meant... if I were God, but being an atheist I'm not convinced!

  8. Unreliable internet service is very disruptive for everyone. With many people working from home, our service has had to improve. Lately, it is reliable.

    1. You're lucky. Here they couldn't care less; and no discounts.

  9. Quilters are told if they hate a color, they don't uderstand its value. (Inside joke there)

    1. Preferences for colour is very personal; I just happen to hate orange, regardless of its value.

  10. We had Atlantic Broadband here which was dicey but fairly reliable. They got bought out by Breezeline, which was horrible. HOOOOOORRRIBLE. Multiple outages day after day after day. We made up our mind to drop the internet and rely on our smartphones. It was explained that if we dropped our internet, that would raise our monthly television bill since we were changing the 'bundle'. It's like being held hostage.

  11. Reminds. Me of easyJet
    Who have just cancelled my flights to Barcelona

    1. Charming. They're a law unto themselves; they couldn't give a hoot about their clients!
