Thursday 2 June 2022


The kettle's on. Jellies, sickly cup cakes, Coronation chicken, Battenberg cake, and Cucumber sandwiches are being prepared as I write. Street Parties will be held throughout The Kingdom (and abroad) to celebrate H M The Queen's remarkable 70 years reign on the throne. Silly hats and bunting will prevail.

What an amazing woman. I'm filled with admiration for her.

I read that 12 Million people will be attending those Street Parties, 85,000 major events have been planned, there will be 200,000 special lunches, and throughout The Commonwealth another 600 will take place (I expect there will be far more).

Souvenirs are everywhere and even the crown on the pint pot is making a return, in celebration.

I still have our official booklets from the original Coronation back in June 1953 (when I was 7), although I notice that the one below is priced in dollars; it must have come back from Washington. I'm not sure where my own one is, but I know I still have it. I also have two other original souvenirs; I have a small metal throne, and a lovely die-cast six horse drawn golden carriage (in it's very tatty original box).

So may I wish you a very happy Jubilee Your Majesty, we shall be munching on Cucumber sandwiches, and raising our glasses in your honour! I think even the anti-Royalist killjoys are secretly proud of you too, and will also be sipping a glass of Orange Squash in your honour.


  1. Don't know of anything happening here. It's not even lead story on the BBC website. Have a good day in the republic.

    1. I'll do my best to survive it.

    2. Just give-in to your innermost desires. Such a Jubilee will probably never happen again. We live in privileged times!

    3. Not even the schools are closed here and they shut at the drop of a hat.

    4. Nor should they close, the main street parties etc are at the weekend.

  2. Funny you should mention the throne and horses and golden carriage as it was only yesterday I was wondering what happened to mine. I don't remember that Coronation booklet but do have the programme for the Coronation tea put on in Godstone Road.

    1. I remember the bunting at Lane End, but I don't think we had TV at the time so we probably went to the Hearne's or somewhere else to watch the actual coronation.

  3. I also admire The Queen, but there won't be any cucumber sandwiches here, it's too cold. There will be roasted chicken and vegetables with gravy though.

  4. We went to Aunty Matt's. She bought a television for the Royal Wedding. We also used to go there after school with the Hearne's so they, obviously, didn't have one

    1. That must be why AM had two rows of sofas in front of the TV.

    2. Yes, we all used to pile in.

  5. I've just poured my first glass of wine and raised it to Her Maj. Cheers Ma'am. To your good health.

  6. Surely a once in a lifetime celebration! Poor old Charles will quite nearly be in his dotage when he finally takes over.

    1. We were watching the ceremony and fly-past at lunchtime, and I thought he looked VERY OLD. She may even outlive him!

  7. The English residents and visitors are having a street/taverna party here too on Saturday. I may pass by and take some photos

    1. I've been invited to TWO back in Brighton, but we'll have to have our own here.

  8. We watched Trooping the Colour ...... we are so good at pomp and ceremony. Many say that the monarchy has had it but it didn't look like it outside Buckingham Palace ...... such wonderful images of thousands filling The Mall, waving their Union Jacks. I would be really sad if it all disappeared. I thought, for 96, the Queen looked good ..... she is obviously not so good on her pins but she did well to stand on the balcony for that long at her age. Loved the flypast ..... they didn't fly over our garden this time ..... must have flown a different route ! XXXX

    1. The first thing I said was "why didn't they give her a chair to sit on?". I'm sure she would have appreciated it.

  9. I watched Trooping th Colour as I always do and I shall watch Lighting the Beacons later

    1. I thought it went on a bit long, but we enjoyed the fly-past.

  10. Enjoying watching today's events tonight. The Queen looks really happy.

    1. She looked well, I thought. Charles looked weary.

  11. Her coronation happened just four months before I was born. I feel we have travelled the decades together. A truly great monarch.

    1. Well, I was just 7 when we helped her onto the throne. It amazes me that she's been there ever since.

  12. All hail the queen...Hm Queen Elizabeth, 7 decades of service. Amazing woman.

    1. It's never happened before, and I doubt it'll ever happen again.
