Friday 18 March 2022

More Breast of Lamb.

Look away Veggies!

As many seem not to be aware of this wonderful cut of meat, here is a photo of how it looks direct from the butcher (if your lucky).

I just happened to be in the world's finest food store this morning (Taj; Brighton), and noticed amongst their halal meats that they sold whole breasts of Lamb. This is how I've always bought it in France.

I've cut it into two pieces, for two meals, and put them in the freezer. The whole breast weighing just under a kilo cost me £5; a bargain in any language.

I shall make an Irish Stew, and a Kleftiko; both perfect dishes to make a small amount of cheap meat go as far as possible. And delicious too.

Look out for it at your local butcher. Bung it on the BBQ with just a little salt, and some ground cumin to finish.



  1. That was a real bargain. Hope you find more to squirrel away. Lots of delectable smells are going to be wafting through your house. Does Billy get a morsel ?

    1. I shall return to Taj and get a good stock in the freezer.

  2. This brought back such memories for me Cro. My father had a duodenal ulcer which played up sometimes and this was one of his absolute favourite meals - my mother cooked it slowly in our side over (open fire) and served it with a milky onion sauce. Delicious,

  3. Dammit.. I have started drooling again.

  4. Replies
    1. The butchery dept at Taj is very much like Morocco. Big piles of different cuts of Lamb; the only things missing are the heads.

  5. You have a very good supply of lamb. The aroma from cooking lamb is wonderful and lamb with vegetables is delicious. The sauce poured over the meal is outstanding too. Now I'm primed to go to the Greek Restaurant.

    1. The Greeks really understand Lamb. I have had some memorable Greek Taverna meals of grilled Lamb.

  6. Lamb can be heavenly. I guess that's why they call it "Lamb of God". Thanks for your advice about breast joints.

  7. Breast of lamb was always a cheap meal if you wanted meat. It was often cheap at the butcher's because it required effort and usually less than a pound to buy. I would slow roast it rolled up with sage and onion stuffing in it like a swiss roll. Lovely with mash and gravy. Su

    1. That's exactly how I remember first having it, although in our case they came ready made from the butcher. As a child I loved it, and still do.

  8. A barbaric way of slaughter. I wouldn't touch it.
    For all their wokeism I'm surprised folk here haven't already mentioned it. They are quicksticks on their high horses over a Grouse or Pheasant being shot. Hey Ho let's not upset the Muzzies.

    1. I do agree with you Adrian, but it was all I could find. I am actually surprised that the practice is allowed in the UK, but I suppose certain people mustn't be upset.

  9. I used to cook breast of lamb all of the time years ago but it became difficult to find and when I did find it in the supermarket it was pricey. I'm going down to Taj and get me one of those, thanks for the info.

    1. Taj is the most wonderful shop. Yesterday when I was there they even had a large bunch of Sugar Cane (I imagine that's what it was).

  10. I have never seen a breast of lamb, since I don't like lamb it's not a problem. Over here the most common roasting cut is a leg and even that isn't a whole leg anymore, they remove the shanks and sell those separately now, and the top end of the leg is cut too so the whole thing is much smaller now. I remember Mum buying legs of hogget (1-2year old lamb) that filled the oven. Now hogget is hard to find, there is lamb, under 9-12 months old, I think, or baby lamb about 6 months old I think.

  11. donkeys years ago there was a recipe for breast of lamb in a House and Gardens magazine. You stuffed it and rolled it with apricots and other bits. Its was delicious. I wonder where the recipe has gone?
