Saturday 19 March 2022

Good-ish Samaritan.

Not everything is perfect in Brighton; we do have our fair share of 'tea-leaves'.

I was heading off yesterday to do some shopping when I came across the below, stuffed into a corner. It appeared to be a brand new camera case, and the contents were spread all over the ground; I presumed that all the important items were missing.

I gathered up all the bits, and took it back home before continuing towards the shops. Luckily there was a diary in it, and under his list of important phone numbers was written 'wife'. I phoned her and we took it from there.

I didn't really pry too much into the contents, but one of the things I did see was a very large bunch of keys. As soon as I saw them, I immediately felt sorry for the owner.

Luckily he was in Brighton when I phoned (he's a pharmaceutical delivery driver), and he came round to pick it up quite quickly. Nice chap. 

Sadly a lot was missing, including quite a lot of cash, but he was so pleased to have back what remained. He said it had been stolen from the front seat of his van whilst he was delivering to nearby Boots. 

It's good to be of some help in such a situation, but really infuriating that such things happen in the first place.

Bloody tea-leaves! Beware.


  1. Good thing you're the man who found it. Not everyone would do as you did. And how lucky that man is keeping a diary. There are no such things anymore, everyone has phone numbers on a smartphone.

    1. Yes it was a real stroke of luck that he kept those numbers in his diary. Also very lucky that the thief didn't dump everything in a bin; there were several very nearby.

  2. I hope he was delivering legal pharmaceuticals. You can usually tell, if he was black and driving an SUV then most likely a crook.

    1. No Adrian, he was a regular decent chap; and frankly his colour and vehicle type really didn't concern me.

    2. And you, Adrian, sound very much like a racist twat!

  3. Lucky indeed that you found it. You'll have to explain the 'tea-leaves' to me. Didn't get that

    1. Ah, sorry. Tea leaf is Cockney rhyming slang for Thief.

    2. I was coming to the comments to ask that very same question! Thanks, local alien.

  4. I really dislike what are perhaps known as petty thieves. They bring about a feeling of mistrust when out and about. Should I leave my cap on this cafe table top to reserve the table or will my cap be stolen? To a higher level, my sunglasses. Do I have to rest my arm on the table on top of my phone and wallet in case they are snatched? It is rare here but I have seen a bag snatch from a foreign tourist. Tea leaves belong in sealed tea bags.

    1. You're right. This poor guy had been working, and had been away from his van for a few seconds, when along comes some bloody thief and ruins his day; and maybe his month.

  5. I feel as Andrew, above. It is sad when we feel that we can no longer trust anyone when out and about.

    1. And finding the results of their labours is really horrible. His stuff was scattered all over the ground, as if it was of no importance.

  6. God will have been watching your kind act of social responsibility and you will have surely won a few brownie points as you aim for everlasting life in Heaven. Trouble is there's a lot of black marks in the book. Oh dear.

    1. I did ask Lady M if my halo was shining a bit brighter. She said "no".

  7. I'm sure you took some of the sting out of being robbed for that poor man. Once I accidently left my school bag in the car which held two books I needed for a course. My passenger side window was smashed for absolutely no gain for the crooks. I ended up having to rebuy those darn books too!

    1. There was quite a lot of stuff left, that I'm sure must have been some compensation. I think losing money was the least of his worries.

  8. Well at least the keys were still there. I would have felt even more sorry for him if he looked for keys amongst what was left and didn't find them. I don't really understand your reasoning.

    1. I just though that his relief at finding that his keys were still there would have been huge. It certainly would have been for me in the same situation.

    2. Exactly. I would probably just have expressed it differently in the post. I agree entirely.

    3. 'relieved' rather than 'sorry' perhaps.

  9. This type of thievery happens everywhere. At least the owner got some of his belongings back. Good job. I recently got an alert from my local police dept. stating: thieves are steeling catalytic converters from cars parked outside.

    1. Best to drive an old car like mine, which I presume doesn't have such a thing. I wonder how many they have to steal each day to make a living?

  10. Well you are definitely an asset to Brighton.

    1. I don't know about that, but I try my best.

  11. I'm glad you found the bag and returned the goods, many wouldn't bother. Here in Australia every once in a while we get advertising reminding us to not leave things on seats in cars, yet people still do. We also get reminded to be aware of handbags in shopping trolleys, yet when working on checkout I was astonished by how many women not only had handbags on the child seat, but those handbags were OPEN! with contents in clear view. Wallets, phones, loose cash. Some people never learn.
