Friday 25 February 2022

This Really Annoys Me

I don't know why I should be so annoyed by headlines such as this, but I suppose it's possibly because it risks making others feel that they're somehow inadequate. If they've worn the same clothes more than once, then they are being 'cheap'. 

Why on earth shouldn't Queen Letizia wear her dress more than once, and why on earth do they refer to it as 'recycling'? I don't 'recycle' my T shirts or socks, so why suggest that Letizia does? The man in the brown trousers looks as if he'd recycled those several hundred times; but no mention of that!

I am well known for using clothes for as long as possible; in some cases until they literally fall to bits. My old long Barbour coat is a fine example; it's still hanging on, just.

Who in their right mind would spend £222 on a dress and only wear it once? I'm sure that those who meet The Queen will have worn their clothes on several occasions, and I don't suppose they would be fussed if she did the same. It might even make her seem more approachable.



  1. It makes her seem more approachable, and it shows that it is possible to wear a piece of clothing several times even if you could afford something new every time! The environmental damage done by fast fashion is immense. The production of textiles uses so much water and energy and causes a lot of pollution, not to speak of the social conditions of the workers. So, textiles should really be worn out. Prince Charles is a very good example of wearing old and obviously repaired clothes.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. Charles and I belong to the same 'Old Clothes Club'. It has nothing to do with status, which the article appears to wrongly suggest.

  2. I also wear my clothes until they fall apart and I would never ever spend that much on a single dress unless I knew for sure I would wear it several times a year for a decade or so. There was a similar article in our newspaper when the Duchess of Sussex(?), Kate, wore a red coat or coat dress for a second time.

    1. I can't really imagine MM wearing her clothes a second time; I expect she even paid by designers to wear them just the once.

    2. Please do not insult the Duchess of Cambridge River by confusing her name with that of MM who is at the moment still using the title Duchess of Sussex. Cro I am surprised you did not correct this point yourself. You give your readers too much slack and inaccuracies should be corrected.

    3. I had presumed that this was simply a slip of the pen, and didn't wish to make an issue of it.

    4. He put a question mark which indicated to me that he needed help and anything confusing Kate with MM should not be overlooked.

    5. Sorry should say he/she as I am not sure what sex River is.

    6. Last year I missed a tup lamb. It's not always easy.

    7. Thank you for the correction, I should have looked it up myself. I am indeed a she.

    8. Thank you River for the acknowledgement. I thought with the question mark you were struggling and looking for guidance. I note that on blogs there are those who ignore such indicators for no other reason than they think they are being polite. I prefer to see errors corrected especially when there are so many readers from different parts of the world and I do not believe errors of this type should be allowed to just go by. I will try to remember that you are a she. YP, who you may know, refuses to publish any corrections on his blog as he prefers to think he is never wrong and corrections do not get through his comment moderation. Fortunately Cro does allow my comments.

  3. Did you know Barbour will clean, repair and rewax your old jacket making it look as good as new……might be worth it to get a few more years wear.

    1. Cathy, my old Barbour is beyond repair, it is literally falling to bits. I've had about 45 years use from it, and will probably wear it again (it's in France). I have, however, already bought a replacement.

  4. The other thing is, I love many of my clothes …… I’d be really miffed if I couldn’t wear them again !!! When I buy something, it’s usually because I really love it and enjoy wearing it. XXXX

    1. I'm sure Letizia felt the same. It's a beautiful dress, and was worthy of a second outing (at least).

  5. I can tell it's old then hem has come undone at the back.
    I suspect Brighton is not doing you any favours. Blokes round here rarely notice what women are wearing. Our focus is on their other attributes.

    1. It was the silly journalist who noticed; not me. I suspect the journalist was female too; even more reason not to have written such rubbish.

  6. It is a nice enough dress and deserves several outings. The obsession of the rich and famous to never be seen in the same clothing a second time is absurd...and sexist as it is not applied to men.

  7. Some people seem to just get bored with certain outfits and ditch them for something more "current". I found an excellent Barbour ladies' jacket in the charity shop that was in good condition and only £10. I was happy to give it a good home.

    1. A tenner for a Barbour.... that's what I call a bargain.

  8. It doesn't annoy me but it's the height of ludicrousness to criticise someone for wearing an item of clothing multiple times. I still go to winter Island funerals in a Crombie overcoat I bought in George Henry Lees (A John Lewis store) in Liverpool when I was about 19. The lining is showing a bit of fraying but who's to notice?

    1. That wonderful long brown coat that Prince Charles wears, looks as if it's been through several world wars, and he still loves it. Good for him.

  9. With our 'Royal Ladies', I suppose that there could be some sort of slight if the engagement is not carried out in a new outfit. £222 is a good price for such a named designer dress!

    1. I don't see why that should be the case. My oldest son occasionally cuts ribbons, and to my knowledge never buys a new suit for the occasion.

    2. Bless him! but he is hardly representing The Royal family, The UK and ME.

  10. Probably the same paper that praised Kate Middleton for wearing clothes more than once at occasions!!

    1. Give with one hand, take away with the other. I expect you're right.

  11. What publication was this in? Gossip Week? I remember a reporter noting that Princess Ann was wearing something she'd worn the previous year. Her reply? 'Oh, it's much older than that.'

    1. Well, I don't suppose it was in 'El Pais'; the writer would have lost her head!

  12. I've known some women not to wear the same outfit twice to the same occasion. I thought the standard was self-imposed.

    1. For weddings, and award ceremonies, I can understand it. But for just visiting different groups of people, I find it rather silly.

  13. I'm from the same ilk as you Cro - I do try to buy the best quality that I can afford when I do shop but then I wear it to death! I stick to some basic colours so things usually mix and match well.
    My pride and joy is my M&S, tartan dressing gown - purchased at least 30 years ago. It goes in the gentle cycle of the washing machine and gets hung up to dry and it looks like new! I have always loathed cheap "fast" fashion so I was "green" before it was popular!

    1. I can beat you with my M & S Dressing Gown. It is reddish Paisley, and must have been bought about 50 years ago. As it is seldom worn, it is as good as new and extremely comfortable.

  14. And of course the Daily Mail makes a big to do about it.
