Saturday 26 February 2022


I have six grandsons; no granddaughters. Four of the grandsons are roughly the same age, so they all get along very well.

This must be my favourite photo of them together from a few years ago.

I'm not quite sure why they're wearing those Water Polo style hats, but the high-rise backdrop of Goldcoast (Oz) is superb. My youngest owns a home there (not in one of those blocks). It almost looks like something from a Superman film.

The boys are all young teenagers now, and are big, strapping, handsome lads.

It's a pity that they live as far apart from each other as is possible, otherwise they'd make a great gang. I could picture them sharing a flat in Chelsea, or Bondi; clubbing, making female hearts flutter, and generally living life to the full. Just as all young men should do.

Maybe during their inevitable gap years, they'll all get together again and 'do stuff'. There's no better friends than cousins.



  1. I can sense your pride filling the spaces between the lines. How wonderful to have six healthy grandsons.

  2. They are a fine looking bunch. The Gold Coast area is nice, I haven't been there myself, but I see it on the internet, it's very pricey though.
    I have four grandchildren, two young men in their twenties, one young woman in her twenties and one young woman soon to be eighteen. In June there will be two more, twin baby girls.

    1. My wife is quite upset that we have no granddaughters. She was hoping to buy pretty dresses, etc, for them; instead she buys camouflage trousers and football boots.

  3. All my kids cousins live down under but now they travel up here for holidays and rebond immediately. They're all about the same age, much older than teenagers and very different lifestyles.
    I bet once yours travel there will be many meetings and great times, all over the world!

    1. I hope so. I think there's nothing better that cousin/cousin relationships. It seems to be a very special bond.

  4. I was close to my cousins when we were young but our lives slowly drifted apart as we moved into adulthood and they had families of their own. I only see them now at funerals.

  5. Sweet and what an adult world they will enter, but I am sure they are well prepared to be good and decent citizens of the world.

    1. I do hope so, they all seem pretty level-headed.

  6. I have 20+ first cousins, and I love the shorthand in communication that comes with them. We are still close even though we don't see each other that often.

    1. How lucky you are. I only had one who was of a close age, and unfortunately he is no longer with us. I think I have a couple of others, but they are not too communicative.

  7. I remember that photo from before. It is a great one.

    1. I just came across it again. I see two of them quite often, but not the Aussie pair, of course.

  8. I only have two cousins, who are brothers, P, eighteen months older than me and G, eighteen months younger.
    We grew up living at opposite ends of the country, so saw each other very rarely.
    P went to Uni in our nearest city, so lived with us for three years, when we got to know each other well.
    Now we all live within a seventy mile radius, but P, the oldest of us and his wife S, unfortunately couldn't have children, and their lives are very different to G's and mine. So now, I'm closer to G and his wife A, and their two girls. In fact, when he was marrying, my son didn't have groomsmen, he had groomswomen, my cousins daughters E and R.
    My husband is an only child, as am I, so our son has no cousins, but is close to my cousins daughters and their partners!

    1. My wife was an only child, and my sister has no children, so I have no nephews or nieces. But my late cousin has three girls in Canada, and they are still in touch. It's difficult these days when people move around so freely.

  9. My two boys and their two males cousins of similar ages will all be working at the same golf course this summer. Not only do they love to hang out together, but they also love to play golf. It will be a dreamy summer for them because they'll always have a golf partner to play free golf, (on a beautiful course), whenever they have time off.

  10. I never had any first cousins my same age. The two on my mom's side were almost 10 years older than me and the two on dad's side were about 10 years younger. I did meet my dad's cousin's son (our fathers were first cousins, so what would that make us?) when we were in high school and we were close in age. We didn't grow up together because his dad was in the military, stationed in England until the moved back "home". We were good friends for a couple of years right after we graduated. He joined the military very young but when he was home on leave he'd visit my apartment and we'd have a meal together. It would have been nice to have been close to my other cousins, but it wasn't meant to be.

    1. Some have loads of cousins, others have none. Simply because they might have lots, it doesn't always mean that they get on well together. Better to have one or two that we see occasionally, than lots that we never see. I would have liked a few more!

  11. Fantastic photo! And yes handsome lads. Surfers paradise beach Melbourne?
    I didn't find Bondi beach very interesting; actually I was quite disappointed. Prefer Llandudno beach (Wales). I have never been to Llandudno beach (Cape Town).
    Sharing a flat in Chelsea sounds appealing. I will mention it to my granddaughters when time comes. Let us know.
    Let's hope our grandchilderen will have a peaceful life.

  12. 6 grandsons to carry the family legacy is pretty darn nice.

  13. What lovely boys! Their caps look like Nippers caps, what the junior surf life saving club members wear. Maybe they were at Nippers?

  14. They were probably in the lifesavers club.. Pirate's grandson joined the local one when they lived in Sydney.
    We are trying to keep all our cousins in contact, every generation.
    We all lose so much by getting distant
