Sunday 19 December 2021

It's Official!

Christmas season 2021 has officially started chez Cro; the red ribbon was cut two days ago.

The front bay window now sports a 'magnificent' flashing tree decked with trinkets of gold and silver, there are garlands of lights around our dining room, and the kitchen cupboards are filled with mince pies, plum puddings, and Belgian chocolates. There's no mistaking it; we're in for plenty of belt-loosening and indigestion.

I am now allowing myself to feel 'festive'. Presents have been bought, meals planned, and the wine is on order. We even go carol singing in the church tonight.

I'm looking forward to it all. But, I'm also looking forward to it being over. I love all the festivities, but I also love my peace and quiet.

Whether our intended guests will be either allowed, or wise, to join us for the Turkey-Fest on the big day remains to be seen. Things are not looking good!


  1. Sounds homey, fully blown hygge. I shan't ask whether the tree is "real". It's such a tactless question.

    A pity that Omi had to rear its UGLY head just now (as an aside, "Omi", my son's grandmother, is, at nearly 89, still as beautiful if not as robust as she was when I first knew her). Indulge me for a moment, Cro: The last few Christmas I can't help wondering will this be her last? On top of which the travel restrictions are such I can't just hop over to fling my arms round her. I could cry. On the other hand I wouldn't be surprised if I beat her to it and died first. No, I won't. The last thing I want is to make my mother unhappy.

    Enjoy your festive spirit, Cro, as you will. I always picture you with that customary Christmas thimble, full to the brim(!), of your favourite whiskey - or is it whisky?

    Festive greetings from along the Coast,

    1. My favourite 'Single Malt' cost me about €20 in France, at the duty free shop on the ferry it was around £40, and in the shops here it's around £48. I can't afford even that thimble full this year.

    2. I agree. What's happening to food (and drink) pricing is breathtaking. In the last few months mark ups have jumped, from one moment to the next, 25 % plus. And that's before you've turned the oven on. Or found your thimble.

      Anyway, the good news is that Lidl currently sells Echalion Shallots, normally 89 p, for 19 p. Buy three packs as I did, and you feel like quids in.

      As to your favourite Single Malt I am sure Kimbo will ride to his good old Dad's rescue.


    3. He has in the past; fingers crossed!

  2. Our normally conservative commercial tv tonight referred to Boris as embattled. Why oh why was mask wearing ever stopped! We are still wearing ours, even if general compliance is failing. Good luck for your Christmas plans.

    1. Mask wearing is mandatory in shops and on public transport and theatres etc.

    2. It's getting far worse here; 30,000 cases in London yesterday.

    3. Mask wearing is preferred, Rachel, but it is by no means "mandatory". Still, I'd say as opposed to a few weeks ago now 85 - 90 % of people are wearing masks again, in shops etc.

      Cro, I wish those huge case numbers wouldn't be given such prominence in the headlines. A lot of people will attract the virus and it's nothing to write home about in terms of severity. And why does no one emphasize that those who have been affected (and survived!) are immune to jab standard?

      The whole thing is one big mind fuck. Myself? I hate to say it: On one hand I am paranoid I don't recognize myself, observe the two meter rule, the masks, don't come near me, only going shopping at ungodly hours either end of the day when few are about. On the other hand (remember I am not vaccinated and lived in hugging proximity with the Angel who caught it in August) I take it all in my stride. Sanguine.

      See you at my funeral,

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Sorry, I thought I put the comment in the wrong place.

      Be as you may, mask wearing is mandatory on public transport, in shops and in places such as theatres and cinemas.

    6. It is preferably to also be vaccinated.

    7. Rachel, hi, you may be right about masks being mandatory. However, unlike during previous lockdowns, it's not being "policed", enforced. So, by way of example, whereas on entering, say, John Lewis or Marks and Spencer there'd be staff dispensing hand sanitizer and reminding you to a wear a mask, now they don't. Both shops, any shop, shopping malls, you will see those who don't wear masks; no questions asked. I think it terribly inconsiderate and churlish but that's mankind for you.

      As to vaccinated being preferable: Alas, there will be exceptions to the rule. Leaving ideological/political stances aside, sometimes, for medical reasons only, a vaccine may (emphasis on "may" ie not necessarily so) be ill advised. Tough choices to be made.


  3. Replies
    1. I don't blame you. I'd be the same, but there are dark forces at work.

  4. I trust you are wearing your gaudy Christmas jumper and your stuffed reindeer antlers.

    I agree that it's not looking good. Surely tighter restrictions must be brought in to stop the NHS from being overwhelmed. It may already be too late. Ho bloody ho!

    1. Why did 100 Tories vote against more restrictions? I simply don't understand it.

  5. Your bay window looks properly festive. All hail the tinsel tree! Such a reliable friend through thick and thin. Fingers crossed you get to share its glory on the feast day.

  6. Merry Christmas Cro to you and your family! Your tree in the window looks wonderful! Enjoy the holidays, but stay well and stay safe...

    1. We're going to a carol service this evening. We shall wear masks, but not really as safe as we'd like.

  7. The tree is beautiful.
    My daughter commutes into London. She tells me about 40% of people don't wear masks.
    How is it possible that single malt is cheaper in France where it has to be imported, than here? I'm guessing it's tax. Outrageous.

    1. It's over twice the price here. Surely we should have it at €20, and make the others pay more!

  8. I do hope you have the best Christmas and a happy New Year.

  9. Your Christmas tree looks magnificent. With your holiday spirits heightened and your favorite scotch in hand, all will be merry and bright. My gathering requires negative "rapid test" results and with this everyone invited is joining for dinner and festivities.

    1. Our guests will all be taking tests before arriving. Not very festive, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

  10. Hope you have a merry British Christmas!!

    1. We start this evening with Carols at our nearby church, in under two hours. I'm looking forward to it.

  11. It's looking good Cro, Merry Xmas and I hope you have a lovely day, and just think, if there's a sudden lockdown you and your guests could all be partying away together for the next fortnight!

    1. Would the Turkey last that long? For many years we all went to my people's small cottage on the Welsh border for Christmas. There, the risk of being snowed in for weeks was always in our minds. It was lovely.

  12. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. Thank you Debby. The big day is ever nearer.

  13. Your tree looks lovely. I always thought the whole point of having a bay window was to properly show off the Christmas Tree. Merry Christmas and stay safe.
