Saturday 18 December 2021

Eradicating our (embarrassingly) Glorious Past!

I know I'm known to moan occasionally, but there does seem to be a lot to moan about at the moment! 

I suppose really it's 'Frustration' rather than a moan, but I know I'm not alone in feeling the way I do.

Time was, when The Empire looked like this (in red above). Now the UK is fast becoming no more than a damp bloody squib; and getting ever damper by the day; helped by a bunch of 'woke' radicals who seem to hate the 'Great' in Britain, and have no clue about what they will be losing in the process.

Republicans are continuously trashing the monarchy, and are pushing for some Anarchist/Marxist/Leninist style state. It's happening in the press, on TV, in our universities, and even in our cinemas. 

There is a feeling afoot that the tiny UK has had its moment of glory, and it's now time for others to have theirs. It's time to apologise for our past success, and we are made to feel that we must ask for forgiveness; what for is still not sure. Meanwhile The East is in the fast lane, and rubbing their hands with glee!

Britain is currently trying to punish itself for the 'mistakes' of our Imperial past. Countries that were once loyal to H M The Queen are now worshipping at the altar of China. China is slowly but surely colonising The Commonwealth. Many will have seen that Barbados is the latest willing victim; the Chinese have already moved in.

There is a sense of self-destruction about; shooting ourselves in the foot. People now hardly dare mention Britain's glorious past, and many wish to eradicate all evidence of it completely. 

The UK's greatest leaders, inventors, and adventurers, are admired the world over, but are derided at home. New villains are being 'outed' almost daily. Just recently Gladstone Rd, in Sheffield, came under a woke attack. Named after Prime Minister William Gladstone, who was thoroughly anti-slavery, it was demanded that the name be changed because his father, Sir John, was involved in the slave trade; nothing at all to do with William, who described slavery as "the foulest crime in UK history". Surely, someone to be proud of, even by the woke brigade!

I do wish they would just get over it; and concentrate on the problems of TODAY. The country is going through a period of great difficulties, whilst a bunch of unimportant junior snowflakes fuss about things over which we have absolutely no control; and is of no importance other than to a few trouble makers.

Great Britain was built on the back of swashbuckling, industry, and foreign trade. It's what all countries strived for at the time, and it just happened that Britain was better at it than most. I don't really consider that anything to be ashamed of.


  1. I agree; forget what happened in the past and get on with the now. Or don't actually forget, but don't be apologising and trying to change things. Just do it differently now.

    1. Trying to change, or hide, history does no-one any good. It's the present that counts.

  2. Unfortunately, the current crop of left-leaning "intellectuals" (essentially the majority of university graduates) are simply repeating the follies and mistakes of their predecessors - the left in the UK has always had this loathing for their own country, in marked contrast to the left in countries.

  3. Sorry - should have read 'other countries'.

    1. I don't think they have a clue about what they want in exchange. In a county without free speech, they would be the first to suffer.

  4. Difficult one, Cro. Not least because you contradict yourself. What's it to be? The Past or the Now? The now being born of the past.

    Was the Empire "glorious"? I don't know. Like all empires it was carried on the back of the many for the benefit of the few.

    As an aside, and only just popped into my mind: Strange, don't you think, that the Brexit British wanted back their "sovereignty" - which they had all along - by breaking away from the Club also known as the EU, yet weep when bits of the "Empire" assert THEIR sovereignty. Good on Barbados, and others gone before. In other words, and to paraphrase JFK: Don't expect the Empire to do anything for you. Worship at their shrine.

    As to China. We have known the "yellow danger" as my father, so appallingly and by today's standards politically incorrect, called it back in the late sixties has been encroaching for ages. So what's new? GREAT Britannia (Britannia rule the waves - oh my god) has to redefine its standing in said world. Not by withdrawing, sulking, and hankering after the past.

    I am very fond of this country, otherwise I'd have gone back to the motherland or found somewhere else to rest my boiled head twenty five years ago. But boy oh boy oh boy, there are still circles (by no means the majority of Brits who wouldn't know their history from their right toe) who can't let go of the "glory". Still, on the upside, the Empire ensured that most Asians do speak English. Albeit with an accent.


    1. I don't think anyone is 'hankering after the past', it's simply a part of what made GB so powerful. Bad things were done as well as good. GB took the industrial revolution to the world. Trains, roads, democracy, and business, all helped create strong economies in all quarters.

      We have to accept what went before, and now look forward.

    2. I have to take issue with you about your comments on sovereignty - having lived through the period during which virtually all of the countries of the old empire gained their independence in almost all cases those countries decided of their own free will to maintain strong ties with the UK and to remain as members of the Commonwealth. In contrast, it was the UK that abandoned them by surrendering it's sovereignty to the supranational and deliberately non-democratic EEC as it was then under the Heath premiership in the 1970's.

    3. And what has become the EU was not just a "club" - it was deliberately designed by the creators (Monet and others) to be a non-democratic technocracy as a mechanism to prevent any of the member states ever having the freedom through their elected governments to follow the path of the 1930's Germany.

    4. There are huge cultural and financial advantages to remaining part of The Commonwealth. There are also huge advantages to welcoming the Chinese and their money. It is the long term effects of this Chinese 'asset stripping' that should concern them, and not just the short term gain.

  5. I ponder if India would be better if it continued with sultan rule rather than English rule. I doubt it.

    However, English people I know in England, generally comfortable working class are proud of their heritage.

    My comment is in danger of being too long so I will write a blog post headline and elaborate in the future.

    1. India would certainly not be the country it now is without the organisation that British Colonialism brought to them. People from the Indian sub-continent still see the UK as a 'Father Figure', and emigrate here in their droves. They are a very hard working and intelligent people, and are, of course, extremely welcome.

  6. There are a lot of off-the-shelf opinions around. I don't regret colonialism. Yes, Britain and other Europeans extracted wealth to the value of millions of pounds for each individual on the continent, but it was never shared out equally and much was squandered on wars. It is sadly the way of the world. Without colonisation most of the wealth would probably still be in the ground. China is doing it now.

    1. When Rhodes founded DeBeers, he could hardly have envisaged that they would now employ more than 20,000 people. A few Woke students at Oxford now want his statue removed. Corners may have been cut in DeBeers early stages, but the end result has been highly beneficial to several countries. Maybe a second statue should be erected?

  7. Colston funded schools and was generous was he not? He earned his money from something in his day that was wrong and eventually put right. He lived in a bad world of slavery. Then came a bad world of Hitler. Then we had a bad world of other lands and dictators and more ethnic cleansing and more that is happening now. Students should learn and counterbalance with strategies for the future when they will be judges and leaders and be learning from the past from books, not intent only on destroying it and they should listen to others older and study history to its roots. They should be looking ahead at ways to make the world a better place, working hard and achievement. Weekends are for sport and recreation, to clear the mind.

    1. Most of the great benefactors of previous times probably earned their money in dubious ways, but at least they did good with it. I do notice that the Americans don't try to eradicate the memory of G Washington, who was a great supporter of slavery, and 'owned' many slaves himself.

  8. There's a lot that could be said in reply to this passionate blogpost. I am right behind you in relation to a lot of things you said but I just want to say one small thing about the use of the term "woke". It has been appropriated by the right wing press and turned into a term of denigration. The use of "woke" began with black activists in America urging their fellow citizens to "wake" up during the civil rights battles of the 1960's and smell the coffee - to become "woke". To me that was a good thing and continues to be so.

    By the way the world map seems to suggest that the British Empire - the greatest empire the world has ever seen - encompassed all of South America. That was demonstrably not the case.

    1. I'm afraid your appeal is too late, it's the woke-folk themselves who have forged this dreadful reputation for themselves. They will have to find a new word, and leave 'woke' for the trouble-makers.

  9. GB is not alone in struggling with the emphasis on past mistakes. I would not hesitate to say that there isn't a country in the world that can say they've always done everything right.
    Also, I have a real dislike of the word "woke" ~ it implies the only focus should be on what was wrong and how to make it right, instead of focusing on the issues we have right now.

    1. The word also implies that 99.9% of the population is asleep. I'm sure that most people are aware of certain problems, but they don't act like children by trying to hide them.

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  11. Cro - your comment about changing the name of anything to do with William Gladstone - I live in Virginia and the name of Robert E. Lee (president of the Confederacy) has taken on a movement of its own. Anything named after this Civil War General has GOT TO GO! Can you imagine how many highways, streets, towns, etc. has the name of Lee in it. It all has to be changed so we no longer honor his name. I am sick of it, and don't even mention the cost to businesses and individuals that have to change their addresses. God help us all.
