Thursday 11 November 2021

Daily Diet for a healthy Life.

As we all know, what we eat has a great influence on our health. Follow this diet and your life will improve, both physically and mentally.

BREAKFAST: Grass Smoothie (above). A small bowl of Oats. Grapes or Kiwi fruit (optional).

LUNCH: A bowl of Vegetable (or Grass) Soup. ½ slice Wholemeal Bread with reduced-fat vegan Cheese. Half an Apple or Banana (optional).

DINNER: Large Steak. Extra large serving of Chips. Left-over Pizza. A small amount of something green. A bottle of Red Wine (maybe 2). Cognac. A large whole Cheesecake. Chocolates in front of TV. 2 slices of Peanut Butter on Toast before bed. And, if you should feel hungry during the night, make sure you have plenty of Cake, Tart, Pizza, or Pork Pie in the Fridge.


  1. This sounds great if one skips breakfast and lunch.
    Alternatively you could pop the breakfast and lunch menus in a book with a few similar ones, learn to mince about with a soul beard and earn a bob or two from some of your neighbours.

    1. I should have mentioned that both Breakfast and Lunch could be replaced by repeating the Dinner menu on both occasions.

  2. You make me laugh out loud x

  3. I don't think I would make it through to Dinner without fainting.

    1. In which case you would need to start the day with a 'Dinner', then have a light Lunch, then another Dinner. You'd be fine.

  4. Pretty much what I normally that order! Breakfast, bowl of oats with raisins and sunflower seeds and milk, lunch a bowl of soup and the other half of the banana that husby has in his sandwich. And then most of the rest for dinner, excluding the alcohol but there's always bread pudding/peanut butter between two chocolate digestives or a chocolate covered frozen banana works for me anyway.

  5. I should add that I am a healthy 8.5 stones.

    1. I'm a healthy 14.5 stone, but maybe my diet explains why!

    2. Wouldn't bank so much on your diet, Cro, (though, obviously, that does help) as your genes and metabolism. Some people, I know because I come from a long line of them, are as lean as a venison steak. Regardless of what they eat and drink, and how much. I suppose genes are the lottery of luck.

      As to Smoothies. The Angel bought a Nutri Bullet (bullet being the operative word) a couple of years ago. No, not to beat "grass" into submission. He makes the most astonishing concoctions of fruit, banana, spinach, seeds, you name it. Nuclear health bombs. He hands me a glass every morning. Which is very sweet of him though I do NOT wish to live forever.

      And yes, he does like steak. Ribeye, cooked over an open fire. Private land. In the New Forest.

      Hunter, gatherer. Primal.


    3. As long as his Grass and Cabbage smoothies are not his exclusive diet, I will forgive him his sins.

  6. sorry no spick inglis.

    Drink water from long life.

    300cc water + 100cc milk + 4 pills saccharin
    7 times day
    9AM 11AM 13PM 15PM 17PM 19PM 22PM

    I am 66 old and my blood analysis is perfect

    1. I cannot think of a worse diet, but if it works for you, it's fine.

  7. For a second there you had me worried something had happened whilst I was away.

    1. No worries Andrew, all is well in the world.

    2. It's just his mind that is going, Graham ...

  8. Oh dear. I started this out thinking, "Well...the move has certainly changed Cro alright...." The last paragraph was a good laugh.

    1. Have no fear, I remain my gourmet/gourmand self.

  9. I knew you were "taking the piss" from the first paragraph! Haha! I've been reading your blog for way too many years not to know better. :)

  10. Skip straight to the evening I reckon.

  11. I do not like steak and I am definitely not eating or drinking anything grass-related so I should definitely lose weight on this diet.

    1. How can you not like Steak? It's one of the world's greatest delights.

  12. A typical dieters diet . I would say. Good intentions last till lunchtime then it all goes to hell

    1. What; you mean like only drinking wine at the weekends?

  13. You've struck a unique balance: 50% breakfast and lunch then 50% dinner and midnight snacks.

  14. I'd skip the grass smoothies and soups, but everything else sounds fine, although I do think the dinner menu should be spread throughout the day instead of all at once.
