Friday 12 November 2021

21st Century Weddings.

Katie Price (a.k.a. Jordan) has just flown off to Las Vegas, allegedly to get married for the fourth time. The bankrupt, car-crashing, ex glamour model seems to like married life, and is having yet another go at it.

Meanwhile, I hear that Paris Hilton has also just got married, but for her it's the first time. Her new hubby is Carter Reum, a wealthy 40 year old heir to a fortune.

Hilton had decided that her wedding would be 'classic, tasteful, and beautiful' (I believe that Kim Kardashian was a guest). She was said to be wearing ten different dresses over the 3 days of festivities. The ceremony took place at her late grandfather's Bel Air home, and, of course; was filmed for a TV Special. We are still anxiously waiting to hear a public announcement (from The White House) of how many tens of millions it will all have cost, and how it might affect the US Public Purse.

Her beau, Mr Reum, proposed to her on the beach of a private island (above), giving her a £1.5 Million diamond ring. The happy couple dressed specially in matching white outfits for the 'surprise event', and even had time to pose for a professional photographer (probably watched by a few journalists, lawyers, armed guards, etc).

We also hear that Ms Hilton has allegedly had IVF treatment to ensure the immaculate conception, and birth, of twins in the near future (is Reum firing blanks?). This 'biblical style' event will no doubt be the subject of Part 2 of the TV Special.

How people spend their (or their father's) money is entirely up to them; I am in no position to comment or criticise!

Personally, I was married in Gibraltar. It cost about £10, and Lady Magnon and I are still talking to each other after more than 50 years.

Will either Katie Price or Paris Hilton be able to say the same? I'll bet another £10 that they won't. 


  1. I don't really know Katie Price but saw her once on Master Chef not long ago and she seemed ok, worked well at her cooking, and if she has money it is hers well earned and to spend.

    1. My youngest was at school with her... not in the same class, of course. She's an interesting character.

  2. I might be mistaken but I think I detect a whiff of cynicism in your portrayal of Miss Hilton and Mr Reum's marriage arrangements.

    1. At least he is not asking for people to die who he does not like, unlike you Neil who frequently seek severe accidents or death for people you don't like or agree with.

  3. High profile people have high profile weddings. Most seem to have multiple weddings. It all makes good press.

    1. For some they have also become a business, from which they achieve high earnings.

  4. You are in a romantic mood today, Cro, with your posts.

  5. As I don't read "Hello" I don't know about either of those two women, so had to google them. As to them going to be married as long as you have (more than fifty years) that's quite an expectation considering that one has just hit forty and the other is over forty. Might even explain the IVF. If money buys you a pair or several of Louboutin's why not a baby (or two)?

    Anyway, good that you and Lady M are still talking. As to your wedding, abroad, how did your respective families take it? One of my cousins pulled a similar stunt and it didn't go down well.


    1. We could have been married in St Pauls Cathedral, but chose the peace and quiet of the Registry Office in Gib'. John and Yoko were married just before us.

  6. Your choice of reading material seems to have deteriorated since you returned from France.

  7. I must say Cro and Lady M that £10 for fifty plus years sounds incredibly good value to me.

    1. Lady M thinks she was overcharged, and should have been paid to take me!!!

  8. Well done Cro,you and Lady M are an example to the rest of us!

    1. All based on fun and humour; plus some lovely kids, of course.

  9. My entire wedding came in at about $200, that included wedding dress, wedding cake, bridesmaids dresses, catering, hall hire for the reception. We lasted 23 years. We were too young and just grew apart as we got older.

    1. My £10 was simply for the marriage itself, we didn't do the cake, dress, hall hire, etc. So yours sounds even better value than mine.

  10. I can't remember how much our wedding in the registry office cost but it must have been rather small pesos. We did go for a fancy dinner à deux afterwards. We've just clocked up 24 years together so it's been a rather good value wedding so far!

    1. Good for you. I do find all this huge expenditure on 'celebrity weddings' very distasteful; especially as one knows they probably won't last for more than a year or two.
