Monday 16 August 2021

Turning up the Heat.

It was 34 C in the shade yesterday, so Lady Magnon decided to do some baking!

First she made some of her wonderful Parmesan biscuits, then, as it's Plum season, she made a delicious Plum Tatin.

We're ostensibly on our annual Summer diet, so biscuits and pies are normally verboten, but we do make exceptions. A slice of Plum Tatin with a dollop of Ice Cream makes the perfect desert after a light meal.

Unfortunately the kitchen remained at 45 C for the rest of the day!

p.s. They look like Figs in the photo, but I can assure you they were Plums!


  1. Looks so beautiful and delicious. It takes a lot of determination to bake on such a hot day.

    1. It really was far too hot for baking, but she managed it!

  2. I'm on a strict diet at the moment but that looks so tempting. Haven't had a tarte in ages.

    1. It's all gone now, we needed to remove it from temptation.

  3. Replies
    1. Nothing beats a Tatin, whether it be Apple, Plum, Fig, or anything.

  4. 45 degree kitchen. You must be talking Fahrenheit. That seems absurdly hot in France.

  5. Good on Lady M for baking in the heat. We haven't been given any plums this year unfortunately. Our neighbour has lots of plums but not enough to give away I think. His pomegranate trees are loaded but not ready yet, so unfortunately is his quince tree.

  6. That looks very good, especially with some ice cream on a hot summer day.

  7. Sometimes such deliciousness is worth turning the kitchen into the Sahara!

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