Sunday 15 August 2021

Afghanistan Special!


When I did my Officer Training, the very first thing we learned was to 'KNOW YOUR ENEMY, GO IN HARD, GO IN STRONG. This was at the very heart of military strategy.

I watch film of the Taliban entering Kabul, and what do I see. Not a single pro-government citizen carrying a gun (above yesterday), whilst every member of the Taliban is carrying an AK47 or Rocket Launcher.

What the hell have these people been thinking? What have the UK and USA forces been thinking? Every single man, woman, and child should have been armed. The idea of the Taliban simply walking into a city and saying "Surrender" is crazy. This small advancing rag-bag of an army should have been slaughtered. They represent a very small percentage of the population, and could easily have been defeated had the citizens been armed.

They knew exactly what was coming, yet they welcomed them with open arms. Personally I would have welcomed them with GUNFIRE. These people are primitive scumbags, and should be wiped out.

Why was this not done?


  1. The taliban is so feared
    They won the psychological war

  2. It's not a war that can be won, their tactics are such they will do anything to win and opress the people, I can't see how anyone can defeat them.

  3. England and America have failed the Afghanistan's big time.

  4. What has happened to the Afghan Army that the US and GB forces trained? It is,I believe 350,000 men.

    1. They joined the Taliban or fled. My husband did two tours there. A friend was there to train the Afghan Police.

      Both admitted it was a loosing cause. The Taliban had infiltrated the Army and Police.

      Personally, I think the Russian should have nuked the place back in their day.

  5. A tragedy unfolding before our eyes.

  6. Once again the governments of the west think they understand this part of the world.

    1. We all will as we keep getting them dumped on us.

  7. I don't know how our country could not see the inevitability of this. I honestly cannot bear to watch the news right now.

  8. The President of Afghanistan left the country. What kind of a leader does this? US and GB training of an Afghan military failed. If the Afghan military were trained, wouldn't they have countered the Taliban?

  9. These people just won't stand and fight for their own country. I'm pretty sure they were given plenty of weapons to defend themselves but they continue to run away and expect someone else to fight for them. Compare them to what the British did to fight for their country in WW2. Can you imagine them standing aside and allowing the Nazis to walk into London?

  10. Western forces fleeing with dishonour! Where have we seen this before? Ah, Saigon, 46 years ago.

    1. I don't think so. Nato withdrew troops 7 years ago. Those remaining were to train Afghans. That job has been done. They now have a trained standing army of 350,000. What they do now has to be in their own hands.

  11. It's a horrible situation and I appreciate your point of view.


  12. The army has training and weapons, but nothing to fight for. Most of them are happy to go back to the good old days of Shariah and the times when the women knew where their place is.

  13. This was so wrong. 20 years of death and pain. Why ? because they will not fight for themselves or there country.

  14. Cro you know what? You have warlord manners and seem.not to have a clue what's going on in Afghanistan. I would see you , your wife, sons and grandchildren taking guns and open a gunfire. Great view.

  15. Entering Afghanistan equals losing the war even if you win every battle. You can't do well in there, that country's history is only bloodshed, misery and endless fights. Every foreign army has failed, it begun a lot earlier that Soviet (some say going in to Afghanistan was the reason Soviet is no more).
    But I feel pure dread for Afghanistan women and children. They will not live a decent life - if they can survive at all.

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