Friday 2 July 2021

To Mask, or not to Mask?

Government edicts change as regularly as our weather, but I hear today that Boris will lift the UK's obligation to wear Masks as from July 19th. So, will you be lifting your Mask?

For me, personally; probably not. I'm sure it does little to save me from any viral infection, but like wearing belt or braces, it gives one a certain feeling of security.

Masks, and Mask wearing, have become something of a fashion statement. From Rees-Mogg and his Union Flag Mask, to those who barely cover their chins, each has chosen either a style of Mask, or the style in which it is worn.

I am not a follower of fashion, nor am I a social climber, and I'm certainly not a noisy exhibitionist, so I stick with the plain, bog-standard, non-committal, 90 cents for 10, product from China (where else!), and I shall continue to wear these until such time as I feel 'safe' (mine are blue).

Should I return to England for the Winter, I will probably remove my Mask to breathe the sea's ozone-rich air, or, up on The Downs, to fill my lungs with the sweet Sussex breeze. But, in doing so, I shall make sure that I am 'Socially Distanced' by at least the length of a Cricket Pitch.


  1. Personally? No. I've been fully vaccinated for a few months, find they make it hard to breathe, my glasses fog and I get a rash across my cheeks, nose and chin... "maskne." Early on it was reported in medical journals that anything less than an N94 mask would be like trying to stop a sand storm with a chain link fence. Every rule about hem has been (and remains) inconsistent.

    Example: our youngest son tested positive for the antibodies last September, meaning he'd had covid at some time and didn't know it. He was fully vaccinated this spring. When he and his coworkers return to the office in 2 weeks, those vaccinated can go w/o a mask at their desks, but must wear a mask and social distance if they leave their desk for any reason. He would be one employee who would be 100% safe for everyone to be around, but must comply. He has asthma and isn't happy. If not lifted in a month or so, he'll ask to return to remote work.

    1. General consensus says they do little to protect, and possibly little to protect others. At the same time, it is the only outward sign that we worry about Covid, other than wearing a full Hazmat suit.

    2. I often wonder what my grandparents or great-grandparents would think of today's generations. We could never have endured or survived 2 World Wars, The Spanish Flu and The Great Depression.

      On average, during any given year there are 56,000,000 deaths, 153,424.7 per day, 106.6 per minute and 1.8 per second. In some parts of the world, more than 50% of those deaths are from starvation or malnutrition. Maybe we should carry a lunch bag with us at all times? Just a joke.

  2. Lots of folk here wear them as a single earring or a bracelet.

    1. I've seen them worn in the most ridiculous ways; sadly, mostly by older people!

  3. I don't mind wearing a mask either. It just makes me feel safer, whether or not that's true. As Tigger says, most have them hanging on an ear or arm but don't bother anymore. We only have to wear them indoors or crowded places.
    We are all lulled into a false security with restrictions relaxed and these high temperatures.

    1. Not unlike kids riding their mopeds with the helmet hanging from one arm.

  4. Have things changed there. I thought you had definitely decided to overwinter in the U.K.

    1. As long as all the restrictions are lifted, we will go. I shall not be paying a fortune to be tested several times; I'd rather stay here.

  5. I will wear my mask in busy public places, on buses and in the Lidl supermarket that I visit every week. Johnson should be delaying "freedom day" because of the high infection figures still rising in Great Britain because of his hesitancy in shutting down air travel from India.

    1. Had Boris closed-down all incoming flights, etc, 18 months ago, the UK wouldn't have suffered as badly. Of course, no-one would have been allowed out either. I believe Matron Merkel is in the UK at the moment; did she spend 10 days in isolation?

    2. The Delta variant is around the whole world, sealed countries or unsealed countries. It might lay you low for a couple of days. Quarantine is one rule for politicians and one rule for others.

    3. Merkel goes in with impunity, but is banning all exits. I hope Boris gives her a good talking to!

  6. I shall be very very happy to stop wearing a mask - I only wear one now for going into shops

    1. Me too. We're out in the Styx anyway, so no need hereabouts. I'm only masked once a week in the Supermarket.

  7. Just enjoy life, no matter what you do you are not getting out of it alive.

  8. It is not compulsory in my state at the moment to wear masks outside but suggested if you can't socially distance. With a significant outbreak in New South Wales, many people here are cautiously wearing masks outside, ourselves included, but not obsessively.

    I assume that figure for the masks is US cents. The cheapest here we have found are AU$2 for ten.

    1. Euro centimes; they cost nothing, they must be subsidised.

      I'm not 100% sure about the rules and regs about mask wearing. We go out so seldom, that it hardly applies to us here. I'm not sure if Boris's new relaxation of the mask rules is a good thing. Even the recent football and tennis gatherings are causing 'spikes'.

  9. Wearing a mask in summer is very different than wearing one in winter, now I take off my mask as soon as I am outside, I will still wear mine inside public spaces.

    1. I only wear mine for about 30 mins per week, whilst shopping. By the time I get to the checkout I'm almost gasping for air. I feel so sorry for those who have to wear them all day; every day.

  10. I rarely go into town apart from to the Hairdresser each Thursday and I am not allowed in there without a mask. I always try to socially distance when I can too. I think people will maybe continue to do so for some time to come - we are having huge numbers going down with it at present.

    1. This is the problem with relaxing the rules, people think they are immune, and the virus spreads. Any hint from government that they are trying to 'get back to normal', will bring new outbreaks.

  11. Not many mask wearers here, except in health care settings where it is compulsory. However, since the relaxation of our border controls this week cases are now on the rise. I am hopeful that my two jabs are sufficient protection.

    1. At least if you're vaccinated you would only probably have much lighter symptoms, than full blown Covid.

  12. I have pretty much stopped with the mask. My husband was cleaning out his truck and brought in a handful of masks to put in the garbage. It seemed like 'a moment' to me. Social distancing is so ingrained I think that I do it unconsciously, and will continue to do so for a long, long time.

    1. If I visited my supermarket without a mask, I'd probably be booted out, but there are plenty of smaller shops where they don't seem to mind.

  13. I am sitting in the Physiotherapy Department at the hospital with my mask on …. Getting hotter and hotter and glasses misting up 🤣😂🤣
    Part of our lives now I guess although, I read this morning that Boris has said we needn’t wear them after 19th July. XXXX

    1. They are horrible things to wear. I get so hot when I wear mine, that I need to lift it up occasionally so I can breathe.

  14. We have only had a strong recommendation to wear a mask. Most people wore one, I'd say 95%. Now it's said you could go without one, and I'd say at least 90% are still wearing one in shops etc. We have rising numbers of cases thanks to football. I think most people just want to try to help to get rid of this virus, no big feelings. And then there are these two loud minorities, ones that cry for compulsory use of masks and another opposing any measures against the virus.

    1. I think it's best to use one's common sense. Don't listen to rules, just assess the situation.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. They are still mandatory in my province (the country is so big that it varies from province to province). I wear one when I leave my apt, and in all other indoor public spaces and on transit and I only remove it at my office if I am alone in my closed door office.
    I wear it outdoors if I am in a line for something and if requested in certain places (i.e. at the small zoo that reopened in my local and large park). I am now fully vaccinated but will continue to mask and will probably continue to wear one during cold & flu season this year - especially on public transit.
    I wear glasses so yes, sometimes they fog up but I think that's a small price to pay. I have a few "fashion statement ones" but prefer the blue disposables.
    Most of my friends and family all feel the same way. I read the UK news online and have to say that the confusing and constantly changing recommendations from the UK Govt. would have left me totally confused!
    Better safe than sorry. Just waiting to hear about all the outbreaks in the next couple of weeks due to Euro games.

    1. Yes, and at Wimbledon I noticed that very few were wearing masks. Expect a new 'Wimbledon Variant'.

  16. Maybe it was a master plan for China to be in the mask business and have a constant world wide consumer, not that the world isn't already. Just kidding. It could be added to the QAnon list though, yet another crazy belief.

    1. It would be interesting to know when their factories were established.

  17. My common sense tells me to continue to wear a mask as long as Covid is still around... and it is. Whether it helps or not, it can't hurt and if it keeps Covid from spreading (from me or to me), I'm all for it. Doctors still wear masks in surgery to prevent the spread of any contagion, so it's possible that it could help. And I don't find it that uncomfortable... (glasses fog up a bit, but hey?) Each to his own.

    1. That is my attitude entirely. I shall continue to wear one in public places as long as I see fit.

  18. Our state of New Mexico has fully opened two days ago, but our mask mandate was eliminated in June. There are of course still places you must wear them. Medical/dental offices. Any business that says you do. Otherwise we are running rampant without them.
    I don't wear one if I don't have to ~ mostly because I have to wear one 9 hours a day at work, and that's all I have patience for :-)

    1. I feel very sorry for those who have to wear them all day, and I can understand your wanting to live mask free. As I said somewhere above, I wear mine for about 30 mins each week, and that's enough.

  19. We will carry on mask wearing... especially living in an area full of football fans...
    We aren't keen on crowds as it is, luckily.
    Hot or cold weather we are ok with masks. I have "hay" fever and mild asthma... wearing a mask I have far fewer problems!

  20. Well I for one have noticed a decline in viruses in general since wearing masks, less incidents of Noro virus and respiratory bugs as well, mostly down to mask wearing and hand hygiene
