Saturday 3 July 2021


The first proper parties I attended were in London in the mid-60's. They were often 'themed'; the most popular being 'Surf Parties', where we all wore surfing gear, carried surf boards, and listened to The Beach Boys. Even in Winter!

Then, predictably, came Art College parties. Lewd, hormonal affairs, where copious amounts of hair was let down.

Later, in the adult world, parties were usually linked to events. Birthdays, New Year, Celebrations of all sorts. These were probably amongst the best. Here are a youthful couple at my Brighton home (where did that picture suddenly appear from?), about to go to a Gangsters and Molls party. I had made the cardboard Tommy Gun and Cigar specially for the occasion. I think Lady M had mistaken our invitation for a Buck House Garden Party. 

My people used to hold good parties. Father being a 'pillar of society', was a very popular man, and his guest list usually involved all the good and the great from the immediate area. Black Sobranie cigarettes were offered (but rarely smoked), 'nibbles' were pierced by tooth-picks and handed around, and alcohol flowed freely. These gatherings often became lively, but I don't recall any drunkenness.

Here in France we have held some memorable parties, one or two of which are still recalled by attendees today; my 50th being a case in point where we roasted a whole Lamb, and fed a cast of thousands (probably about 100). Sadly those days have gone. Real characters are no longer around, and it just ain't the same.

We still talk of holding just one more extravaganza, but we would need Kimbo to be here to help, and, thanks to Matron Merkel & Co, I fear that is now out of the question. We shall probably hold a good bash in Brighton over Christmas (if we go); at least over there, there's never a shortage of interesting guests to chose from.



  1. What a beautiful couple you are.

    1. They're a beautiful couple, except for him.

  2. I hope your party in France comes to be. You've so much room there. Perfect for a last farewell. Adieu but not goodbye

    1. We live in hope, but it's not looking good. Not much time left now.

  3. Your post reminded me of the wonderful parties my late Auckland sister-in-law put on. My niece now carries on the tradition. I am sure you and Lady M. will put on a wonderful party even without the help of Kimbo.

    1. He's a great asset to any gathering, and an extra pair of hands is always welcome. We'll see.

  4. Please remember to send my invitation to my new address.

    1. I'll paint a huge H on the lawn; I presume you have a chopper!

    2. Of course. Doesn't everyone?

  5. I score very highly on the spectrum in those questionnaires which ask questions like: "Would you prefer to visit a museum or go to a party?"

    1. Strangely, I've never received one of those questionnaires.

  6. I have never liked parties because I am a miserable old sod. To answer Tasker's question, it would be a museum every time for me.

  7. I’m desire you could hold a good one again

  8. See The Royles. You go to Brighton and come back as a gay. But gosh if you do return to Blighty, what blog posts will we read! Please send me an invitation to your Brighton party.

    1. We do have gay next door neighbours, but I think everyone does in Brighton.

  9. Perhaps a blogger themed shortage of characters here. 😃

    When is this move happening?

    1. We're not really moving, just spending the winters in the UK again. Would a blogger party be on Zoom?

  10. When the farmer was alive we always held a giant New Year's Eve party - I did the catering, cooking half a ham and a whole salmon and then loads of salads and trifles. Those were the days = now I can't even cook my own lunch - still miss the Agathough.

  11. Debb's idea of a party - why not hold a party in Blogland - we can all contribute a dish or a bottle - or both - without moving off our chairs and we can surely come up with a few party games ithout too much effort.

    1. I do like the idea of a Blog-Party. I'll see if I have the room to accommodate everyone.

  12. Lady M looks very glamorous! ... Things on tooth-picks always taste fancier.
