Saturday 24 July 2021


Lady Magnon is the Queen of Recycling in this house. She religiously cleans all the tins, bottles, and plastic yoghurt tubs, before putting them in their appropriate boxes, and taking them off to the recycling 'receptacles'.

She also recycles more everyday items, including birthday cards.

This is the fourth year running that I've received the one above, and I'm hoping it won't be the last.

Thank you m'dear!



  1. It's a very nice card. I say "yay" for Lady Magnon.

    Janie Junebug

    1. At least I know that my next year's card will be a good one!

  2. I am also in favor of recycling, it is very nice that the lady is doing it, there is no doubt that it contributes something good to the world.

    1. She is very conscientious; more so than me!

  3. We recycle too. Plastic water bottles take up a lot of the space. Man of the house has a refined taste in water. Anything out of the tap is suspect and he can taste the chemicals.
    Our grandchildren chase us to recycle. They get taught at school the reasons why.
    Good for Lady M.

    1. I'm very impressed by her dedication, she really takes it seriously.

  4. In our old house we recycled almost everything and only had one small bag of household refuse to set, all forlorn, down in the bottom of the bin for collection each week. When the new people moved into our house they ordered an extra wheelie bin to accommodate all their weekly rubbish. Not much recycling going on there, methinks.

    1. The rubbish bin where I take our weekly small black bag is always filled with recyclable things; and not in a black bag either. Someone nearby just empties everything in. Whoever it is drinks Coke and fizzy Orange, and reads Coté Sud magazine (which I often recycle).

  5. I recycle,upcycle,make do and mend and reuse everything!.Including birthday cards.My Grandkids are all grown up now and along with the cash that I put in their cards,I also drop a pound coin.I wound rather give the pound to them instead of giving it to the card shop.Me and Hubby have been exchanging the same large padded anniversary cards for about the last 30 years now,with a new little message written on them.I dont know what Im going to do when we run out of space,lol.xx

    1. Gosh, that beats Lady M by a long way! I just told her of your 30 year cards; she was mightily impressed!

  6. We take recycling seriously and I go an extra metre by removing plastic bags from our building's bins and put them in the plastic bag bin if I come across them. There is not a guarantee that those who collect the recycling treat it appropriately. Well done Lady M.

    1. Sadly, back in England, I did once see the people who collected all the sorted recycling stuff, emptying it all into one large truck. What a waste of our time sorting it all.

  7. I am also pretty conscientious when it comes to recycling but I sometimes wonder if it is worth it. After all many of my fellow citizens don't even try to be good recyclers and besides where does the stuff end up?

    1. One just has to hope that our own little efforts helps along the line. Some while back I put a short video on this page showing some local authority in Brazil emptying their rubbish directly into the Amazon River. The message hasn't got through everywhere.

  8. Well done Lady M!
    We are doing our best to reduce and re-use as much as possible as well as recycling all we can.

    1. Apart from anything, it's a waste not to re-use as much as possible. And I hate waste.

    2. So gz cycles and recycles too. Amazing!

    3. I'm sure she would tri-cycle too if only she had the necessary.

  9. I used to sort out all my recycling stuff into various piles within the large sectioned container until I was watvhing one morning when they stopped and emptied and saaw that they just tip the lot in willy nilly.

    1. See my reply to Andrew above. I witnessed the exact same thing in Brighton.

  10. Happy birthday!
    Women are usually in charge of the recycling because the men can't be bothered to rinse out the containers. My Romeo really sucks at it, he tosses in all sorts of rubbish and I have to don my gloves and sort it out. No worries, we all have our gifts, :D

    1. I suspect you're right. I'm not very adept at washing out Yoghurt pots or jam jars.

  11. Happy Birthday, Cro. Hope it's been a wonderful day for you.

    1. Yes, we had a great couple of days, thank you.

  12. A very happy birthday, Cro; and may this new year in your life be healthy and satisfying. Love your wife's card. Positive thinking about aging! From the base of the mini-mountain in Maine...Cheers!

    1. Hello Regina. No Mini-Mountains around here, but we do have a few 'lumpy' areas. Thank you for your kind wishes.

  13. That is a great card. Lady M chooses well. Age - it's just a number. No worries about a number.

    1. Numbers can be a bit frightening, but I try to ignore them! The card has now been put away until next year.
