Sunday 25 July 2021

Favourite Restaurant.

My nearby town has four restaurants. One is quite 'high-end', and serves local specialities. One is rather 'nouvelle cuisine', and is not really my cup of tea. Another tries very hard, but relies on 'water bath' cooking; I once ordered a Lamb knuckle dish there and was told it would take 20 minutes, a real give-away that some bag would be re-heated in a water bath. I want my food to be cooked in the restaurant kitchen, not coming from some boil-in-the-bag food-producing factory in Paris!

But the one we go to regularly serves just really well cooked, good quality, dishes; and the staff are all nice.

That was our table, bottom right below.

The restaurant's location is pretty spectacular too. It is situated under the covered arched walkway of the original 1270 bastide town, which surrounds the main square. 

Looking out from the restaurant, on the other side of the square, is the ancient Halle, which is used as market place, a weekly marché des producteurs, dance floor, and any other outdoor event that requires a roof. Keen-eyed car spotters might also notice the 'Compact Royce'.

We went this last week and had a spectacular meal. We are creatures of habit, and always eat and drink the same things. Entrecote steaks, chips, and salad, with a bottle of local Pécharmant.

Our steaks were simply stunning. Large, very tender, and delicious. Possible the best steak I've ever eaten. It makes me hungry even writing about it. If you are ever passing this way, I recommend it; it's called the 'Café de Commerce'; just say Cro sent you!



  1. Looks lovely Cro, very nice setting. Yes, I agree about the boil in the bag food, whatever is cheffery coming to these days?

    1. Even the renowned chef Gordon Ramsey has a Co called GR Logistics which produces bagged meals for distribution to his numerous restaurants.

  2. What a lovely way to celebrate your birthday.

    1. It was a really lovely evening. It always is there!

  3. It makes me hungry reading about it! (Even more envious of your historic surroundings)

    1. Yes, we're very lucky to have landed where we did.

  4. I can't tell which is the Compact Royce but suspect it's not the red open top on the right. Good to eat steak, chips and salad - I would have liked one of our Saussignac reds. Now two years since since we left....

    1. Not the red one; the silver one on the left. Once described by the Top Gear crew as 'the perfect shopping car for OAP's'. Cheeky boggers.

  5. We'll join you for a steak if we are passing. How many grams do you think the steak weighed? 250gm is about my perfect size.

    Only one car doesn't look compact. Don't tell me yours is the red convertible.

    1. I really don't know what it weighed, but it seemed like 500 gms. Lady M saved part of hers for Billy. No not the red job, the silver one on the left. A trusty old Peugeot.

  6. If we say that Cro sent us, will we get discounts or will the bill be bumped up? I have been to a few bastide towns including Crigglestone near Wakefield and Crawley in Sussex. They are also filled with bastides!

    1. It's cheap, my commission is only 50%.

      My father came from Crawley, but he was a Creepy Crawley.

  7. That's a wonderful place to eat and the your menu sounds delicious. It's so nice to find somewhere like that, great setting and great food, and wine

    1. There are fewer and fewer these days. Too much 'convenience' taking over.

  8. We've actually been to this restaurant! In 2019 I think, anyway before the hermit kingdom otherwise known as Australia closed itself off from the outside world. We just stopped on the town probably to look at the market and found it. How I miss travelling...

    1. That person at the next table might have been me! I hope you enjoyed it.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Argentina has a reputation for excellent steaks, but I cannot believe they are better than the one I had here last week. This area is really not for teenagers; there's almost nothing for them to do.

    2. Why do they always have to be doing something. Doing nothing is also doing something at my age.
      Walk,gaze,eat,gaze,mind is going everywhere,a few words to a friend, enjoying the food and atmosphere no need to "do".

    3. My wife encountered two teenagers, with their parents, going for a walk yesterday. She said the teenagers said nothing and looked bored stiff.

  10. I only eat a little meat, quite a lot of fish and things like quiche - never ateak unfortunately.

    1. The only time I eat steak is at this restaurant.... I must think about that.

  11. Sounds utterly delicious! You got your heart's desire for your birthday feast.

    1. Absolutely. It couldn't have been better.

  12. The setting may be great, as is the steak. The view? The view is amazing: All those cars to gaze upon. Atmospheric indeed.


    1. Looking out upon cars may not be to everyone's taste, but at least the Compact Royce was there for some pleasure.

  13. Weave and Rachel have been talking about nostalgia on their blogs. These photos have given me my dose of nostalgia for the day; used to love eating there.

    1. I would liked to have invited you both. Another time maybe.

  14. Your B-day celebration meal at your favorite restaurant sounds to perfection. Hopefully the chef/owner will continue for many years to come.

    1. The owner (Natalie) will certainly be there; as for the chef, I have no idea. I hope so.

  15. I didn't know that some restaurants prepared food by boiling it in a bag. What a disappointment.


    1. A lot more than you'd imagine. Almost everything that involves a 'sauce' can come chilled in a bag. All the 'chef' has to do it plonk it in his water bath for 20 minutes, and serve.

  16. I spent a couple of months in Castillones, just to the north in the late 1970s helping a friends parents do up a barn. The food was lovely and the smell of the tobacco fields was heaven

    1. No more Tobacco grown here these days, hence our Tobacco drying barn being converted into a home. No-one smokes any more!

  17. Oh my, they know you by name?!
    A beautiful location.

    1. It's a lovely old town. A few rather sad demolitions over the years, but most of the original is still there.
