Thursday 24 June 2021

Mussel Salad.

At this time of year we eat salads every day at lunchtime.

Finding new ways to present salads, that are basically composed of the same Lettuce, Tomato, and Cucumber, is always a task. 

To the basics, I occasionally add hard boiled eggs, or feta cheese, sardines, ham, etc, to keep things different day by day, but one of our favourite additions is a small can of Mussels in escabeche sauce. The sauce makes an excellent vinaigrette and the mussels themselves add a delicious flavour.

If I'm preaching to the converted, please forgive me. However, if this is something you've never considered; give it a go.

I am presuming that Mussels in escabeche sauce are available everywhere. I don't know.



  1. If the grocery stores don't have them, I'm sure a can or two could be found on Amazon. Looks delicious!

    1. It changes a dull salad into a pleasant one!

  2. Never had them tinned but I do make them fresh if the fish van has mussels. they are quick and easy. About 1lb of mussels, 1/2 doz garlic cloves half a small onion,Olive oil to soften the onion and garlic, add a good dollop of paprika. Then a glass of white wine and a good drop of white wine vinegar simmer then add the mussels and cook till they open and the jobs a good un.

    1. That sounds very much like an escabeche sauce; maybe with half a squirt of Tom purée also. Delicious.

    2. I'll try a squirt of the puree. I used to have them for lunch when working out of Coruna. I just tried to replicate the taste. It is easy to overdo the onion, perhaps red onion would be better.

  3. I wish my other half would eat salad. If I buy all the ingredients I can never get through it all in time before they start to turn into gloop.

    1. Salad itself is not very exciting; it needs a boost. Maybe you should hide a Lamb chop amongst the leaves etc.

  4. Looks darn good. Our mussels come frozen. Tinned mussels are in brine , I think.
    But it's very easy to make a quick wine sauce. Good idea!

    1. We have bought frozen Mussels; they were big fat things.... delicious.

  5. I have never seen mussels in escabeche sauce in a supermarket but then again I have never looked for them! That salad does sound delicious.

    1. Maybe it's a French thing; ours come from the Basque country.

  6. Had to run straight off to google to read on escabeche sauce, and it does sound like the dressing would be good for good for a salad. I don't think that we have such a thing in our stores, but like YP, I have never looked.

    1. The sauce makes a perfect dressing... it's just a matter of finding the tins!

  7. Our favourite salad is fried chorizo and poached egg. We started using chorizo after we couldn't source decent lardons in the UK. The mussels sound interesting.

    1. Fried chorizo sounds really nice. I have some in the fridge, so will try it.

  8. Morrisons do Mussels in a tomato, pepper and onion sauce. Sounds worth a try one day.

    1. My other current pleasure is putting Thai Sweet Chilli sauce on my salads, it adds a whole new dimension.

  9. I adore mussels but have never looked for canned ones - shall start looking and will report back.

    1. I always keep a good stock of Sardines, Squid in ink, Octopus, Tuna, Mussels, etc; I love them all. They make quick tasty snacks.
