Friday 25 June 2021

A Wise Doctor

It's not unusual to read of people who've lived their lives pretending to be something they're not. I think the most popular fantasy is that of being a doctor.

Pretending to be a priest is another favourite, as well as ambulance driver, policeman, or teacher. Usually such choices are based on the 'power and respect' shown to the chosen profession. Very rarely, if ever, would anyone pretend to be a road sweeper or dustman.

Every time I visit my doctor, I end up thinking 'I could have done that'. He asks me how I am, takes my blood pressure, weighs me, then tells me to eat less salt, less charcuterie, take plenty of exercise, and lose some weight. Nothing complicated there.

My prescription is already on his computer, so even that is just a matter of pressing a button.

I presume he does much the same for every patient. I have yet to see anyone in his waiting room bleeding from a stab would, which might take some extra expertise. 

Yes, I reckon I'd make a pretty good fake GP. Dr Magnon will see you now sir.


  1. Dr Magnon, I think I am turning into Tommy Cooper!

    Dr M: How does that make you feel?

    Me: Just like that...

    1. Have you had your test results back yet? I bet their recommendations will be like the above.

    2. Next week Cro. No bets taken on this one.

  2. That makes you one of the only doctors prepared to see patients face to face at the moment.

    1. Actually, I'm too busy to see any patients... I might get arrested.

  3. I always think GPs these days are at the bottom of a long hierarchy and maybe amongst the medical profession themselves are looked upon as such. Any thing more than fairly minor these days is quickly referred.

    1. GP's have never been idolised here, they are regarded as no different to a plumber or bank clerk.

  4. I hope that Dr Magnon does not advise me to consume less units of alcohol because I don't drink units, I drink pints!

  5. One thing to come out of the pandemic is that suddenly there is this awareness that you don't even need to see the doctor in a lot of cases. You just walk in to the hospital, have a few blood tests which are sent to your doctor via computer, and you receive a call. I haven't seen my doctor face to face for nearly two years. Okay by me.

    1. I just phone the receptionist at my doc's, and ask for a repeat prescription. They oblige too!

  6. I am pretty miffed with GP’s …. As soon as Covid reared it’s ugly head, they closed their doors and just did Zoom appointments ! I feel they should have been on the front line. But, all the doctors/nurses and everyone working in hospitals have been amazing. XXXX

    1. Sorry Cro ….. that wasn’t r we ally what you were talking about , was it !!!!! Put it down to my broken arm 🤣 XXXX

    2. The doctors here don't seem to have closed their doors. It's business as usual.
