Monday 19 April 2021

The New Roof.

Back on April 8th I showed our neighbour's roof having been totally removed. Their new roof is now advancing, and is looking great. I hadn't imagined that the end wall was going straight up to a point; previously it was a 'bonnet roof', but has now changed to a 'tall open gable'. It will obviously contain a few more rooms, and I think it'll look very good.

My good friend José used to refer to our tiny three house hamlet as the village's 'Riviera', on account of the fine 'original' vernacular houses, the perfect location, and its non-farming group of leisure-loving-residents.

Well, the houses have remained much the same (with one or two blunders), the location certainly hasn't altered, and none of us has yet taken to the plough. Our house is very typical of the area, the middle house has been changed into a holiday centre and reflects that, but the other house (above) is looking as if it'll now take over as 'The big house'; it'll become a little Manoire. And in a prominent, open, position too. All it needs now is a tall pigeon tower connecting the house to the barn, and we'll call it a 'Chateau'.

This is how properties evolve, and often how wealth is displayed. A tower here, or an extra wing there; that's how things work.

I now feel as if we're living in the 'gardener's cottage'; albeit a very nice one.


  1. A big improvement. They won't know themselves with all that extra room.

    1. It looks very good. All the beams are up, and it won't be long before they're followed by the laths and tiles.

  2. Gardener's Cottage conjures up a lovely image.

    Your post made me think that I have never been interested in works in progress (other than humans). Houses? Oh dear, Cro, the English past time of how to bore your guests with "before and after" photos of houses bought and then spruced up. The nadir of which, witnessed by me, so painful I'll really have to woman up to put it into writing.


    1. Our cottage is very small, but by general agreement, it is by far the prettiest of the three homes.

      I have been often been asked here if I would like to look-round a house. My reply is always the same; NO!

  3. When we first moved here the house that adjoins the bottom of our garden was a tiny little cottage which hardly intruded on our view of the sea. Several years ago a new owner bulldozed and burned it down. Now we have a huge 5 or 6 bedroomed "Grand" house there plus 3 very large wooden sheds, gazebo and fencing. Nothing remains the same I suppose.

    1. I would find that very annoying. You can't rely on crazy planning dept's either.

  4. It will look very grand when it is finished. One advantage of living in a bungalow is that you can stand on a step ladder and 'hoover' the roof and gutters (Paul was doing this yesterday!).

    1. With a decent ladder I can get up onto our roof to change a tile or two. With this new roof they'd need that Cherry-Picker. It'll be very high up.

  5. Living in the gardener's cottage, I hope you do not behave like the gardener in "Lady Chatterley's Lover".

  6. I look forward to a photograph when the roof is finished.

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