Sunday 18 April 2021

The Debate Continues.


I still occasionally (very rarely) come across someone who claims to use Vegemite for some purpose other than repairing broken water pipes.

Well let me explain something to you.

Take a look at a jar of Vege-ma-thingy, and compare it to the delightful one of MARMITE.

You will instantly notice one thing on the MARMITE jar; that Royal Coat of Arms on the yellow strip connecting the top with the jar. The Coat of Arms is that of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and it symbolises her approval (and use daily of) an exceptional product.

One must remember here that Her Majesty is Queen of the United Kingdom & Northern Ireland, as well as fifteen other Sovereign states; known as the 'Commonwealth Kingdoms'. She is also head of all fifty three Commonwealth States; including Australia.

Marmite is sold throughout her Kingdom, and her Coat of Arms gives confidence and pleasure to all her subjects. The other imitation product might be available in a few foreign hardware stores, and, of course, has no such approval.

I believe that some Aussies rub the brown paste (Vegemite) on their arms in order to fend off attack by 'Drop Beasts'; creatures not unlike Leprechauns.

I do hope that settles the dispute once and for all. If it's good enough for The Queen, it's good enough for me (and millions of others).

p.s. I am not showing a photo of the Aussie product as it has no endorsements, it's an ugly jar, and it is of no interest whatsoever.


  1. Thank You for this wonderful much needed information !

  2. It must have something. I bait rat traps with it.The rats won't touch vegemite....

    1. I'm not surprised. Even Rats have some good taste.

  3. Replies
    1. They're intended to be Helsie. The war of the hemispheres continues!

  4. All I can say is that I love marmite. I have marmite on toast for breakfast a couple of days a week.

    1. I had some this morning from the brand new jar above.

  5. You know what they can’t judge a book by its cover.
    One happy little Vegemite here !
    Never took to Marmite as a child....loathed it in fact.....stepped onto Aussie soil nearly 50 years ago and have had it on my morning toast practically every morning since.
    I rest my case :)

  6. Sometimes we find it here in stores too, in memory of the British Mandate that was here.

    1. I used to have a friend who lived in Dubai, and he brought me a jar from there. It didn't taste the same.

  7. Replies
    1. I suspect you are in the right camp, but it's far less fun.

  8. Is it still in short supply? I read somewhere that it is a by product of beer and that because of Covid less beer is being produced. I love it and have it on toast a couple of times a week at breakgast and smetimes for tea.

    1. Personally, I can't imagine life without it. It's the one 'food' that's followed me throughout my whole life.

  9. I pledge my allegiance to the crown 👑 XXXX

    1. Well said Jacqueline, I'll put in a good word for you at the next New Year's honours list.

  10. What is "Vegemite"? Never heard of it. Did you make it up for some kind of joke? By the way, a dollop of "Marmite" in gravy adds a delicious umami hint.

    1. As I mentioned above, it's only found in Hardware Sores, or isolated Petrol Stations.

  11. Pshaw! Controversy Corner this is not. The mighty V made us the statuesque, fine physical specimens we are. Just sayin' :)

    1. Do your Cricketers rub it into their bats?

  12. Cro, I have heard of Marmite, but have never tried it. Reading the ingredients doesn't make it sound too appetizing. But there is a British Emporium close by that sells it as well as Coleman's Shepherd's pie Mix (that another blogger recommended) - so perhaps I'll try both... eventually.

    1. I've not heard of Colman's Shepherd's Pie Mix. If you were not eating Marmite at your mother's knee, I don't think I'd bother. It's a very acquired taste.

  13. You are quite correct about drop bears. Vegemite is so versatile and can be added to most food dishes as well as being used as a repellent to dangerous creatures and protect visiting backpackers. The salty yeasty black breakfast spread made from beer slops. Hels explains here,

    1. I thought after reading the above, that you'd be sending me a bomb in the post.

  14. Vegemite has very catchy ads and a low salt version. I'll take what I can get!!
    Marmite has no 'On Her Majesty's Service' label. We get the hoi polloi of marmite here.
    But the best of marmite is made in NZ by the Sanitarium company anyway (which is probably owned by Nestles which is owned by Coca-Cola which is probably owned by the Chinese, who possibly make your marmite as well).
    As I said, I'll take what I can get and peanut butter will do instead

    1. I wonder if that explains why the pot of Dubai Marmite I was given, tasted like poor quality replica Marmite.

  15. Upon your endorsement, I will search out a jar of Marmite in my International row of the local supplies store.

    1. It's very salty and yeasty. As they say in their ad's 'You either love it or hate it'. There's nothing in between.

  16. Can´t stand the stuff, but to each his own...

    1. Jack Sprat would eat no fat, his wife would eat no lean... each to their own. I can't get enough.

  17. I find Vegemite lighter in colour and when ever I have had it, it seems crunchy like crystalised bits (could be salt). I prefer marmite, it spreads better. At a push I would eat vegemite if no alternative. p.s. tescos do a very nice rip off. no endorsement

    1. Other than my critique being somewhat 'tongue-in-cheek', I do find Vegemite very disappointing. It tastes very 'earthy', and doesn't have the punch of Marmite. But, of course, it depends very much which one one was brought-up on. Loyalties are divided.

  18. Gosh, I've got to disappoint you Cro, I actually like both! But I do find Marmite a bit stronger, so I prefer to use Vegemite given a choice.

    1. I can recommend a therapist. He/she will take you back to your childhood, and the truth will prevail.

  19. vegemite now comes in a squeezy bottle. Bet Marmite can't beat that.

    1. They're just copying Marmite, which has been in a squeezy bottle for ages. I always buy them myself.

  20. Lol. Just the facts. Nuthin' but the facts. That is why we flock to your blog, Cro. You are a beacon of truth in these polarized times.

    1. The truth behind Vegemite must be exposed! Aussies have been conned for far too long.

  21. Worse than Vegemite is New Zealand 'Marmite' which was registered as a trade mark in New Zealand before Marmite UK got there. I am a Marmite UK person through and through (given that I eat it every day I'm not surprised.

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