Monday 12 April 2021

The British boozer; the future?


The future of the Great English boozer, may well resemble the above.

With Covid-19 restrictions still in place, Pubs are now able to open again with certain provisos.

Today (April 12th) Pubs may once again open to the public, but must follow certain guidelines.

1. Drinkers must remain outside the Pub', and only table service will be allowed.

2. The 'rule of 6' will still apply, meaning only six people may sit together.

3. You will need to book your table, glass house, rug, pod, or whatever, by using the NHS Covid App.

4. When needing the bog, you will have to wear a mask (often essential in Pub' loos anyway).

The photo above shows one example of 'The 21st C Pub'; this particular one is in Gloucestershire.

Personally when I visit my 'local' I want to see a cheery barmaid over the counter, I want the warm ambiance of a 15th or 16th C interior (preferably in Sussex), and in winter I would certainly want an open log fire in a big old inglenook.

When I go for a pint of wallop, I want to lean on the counter, chat with the landlord/lady, ask advice from Jim the village garage man, exchange gardening tips with old man Fuller, and chuck a few darts with Charlie.

What I DON'T want is to be made to sit in some stark bloody greenhouse out in a field, pay a bloody fortune for a simple glass of waitress-served beer, and be made to feel like some bloody great roaming virus.

I'm not in England, but if I was, I'd buy a few cans from Waitrose, sit on my comfortable sofa at home, and sup whilst listening to Vera Lynn singing 'We'll meet again'. 

I ain't going in no glass box; so there!


  1. Looks like a row of bus stops. Doesn't exactly give off the air of camaraderie you describe.
    You don't go to the pub just for the beer as we don't go to our cafes just for the coffee!
    Maybe we'll be allowed after our Easter to sit and people watch and debate, discuss and dispute. That's only a few weeks away.

    1. Back in England, it's only Pubs with Beer gardens (or fields) that will be able to open. All those town pubs that are enclosed won't be able to open. It's all a bit of a shambles, and, as I said, I wouldn't be seen dead in one of those glass boxes; no ambiance at all.

  2. I take it you speak in jest.

    Today, 12 April, is a joyful day, full of anticipation, appreciating what BC (before Covid) we took for granted without a second thought. (Non-essential) shops opening again; pubs and restaurants where friends can meet (albeit only outside) - hustle and bustle. Part of the human race once more.

    And where on earth is that Gloucestershire set up you are referring to? A cricket club?


    1. It's just an ordinary Pub; abiding by the rules.

  3. I saw that pictures yesterday and thought " those waitresses/waiters are going to have a long walk in the cold to get to those greenhouses"!

    1. It all looks very odd, as do some other other solutions; geodesic domes etc. I'd rather stay at home.

  4. I don’t think the NHS app is for booking tables and the rule of 6 is actually max six people or two households but other than that you got it right.

    1. I wrote exactly as I read, so I'll have to pass the buck and blame others if they were wrong. I'm sure it came from the Government.

    2. No doubt Cro, if you lived in the UK and had downloaded the NHS Covid app you would know there is no way one can book a table through it.

  5. Also 50% of the 'walls' have to be missing so a three sided bus shelter will not do.
    To be honest I think it's really to slow down the heavy drinking crowds between 2200 and 0200 who swarm in towns especially at weekends.

    1. That's not a bad thing. Having seen pictures of the drunken darlings; best they stay away.

  6. Sadly we won't be popping to a pub anytime soon.

  7. I think I'll just stay at home.

  8. I guess we have still got to abide by the rules and open up slowly but still support the pubs and help them to stay open and not go under. It’s not like popping into a shop .... I’ve been known to sit inside a pub for hours with friends which wouldn’t help at the moment !!!!! XXXX

    1. A good Pub is like a club. You meet friends over a drink, and chat for hours. That's how they should be.

  9. "I want to see a cheery barmaid over the counter"! You left out buxom.
    The rules you have painted seem absurd to me.
    As I have said before, I do not understand how so many English pubs are financially viable.

    1. Funnily enough, Andrew, I had used the 'B' word, but took it out, as people get funny about such things. Woke, non-PC, sexist, etc. I think most Pubs these days make more from food than they do from beer.

  10. Oh, I imagine we're in for another "Summer of Love" like last year, don't you? People may not be able to gather in pubs, but will be able to gather in very large groups in the streets, because mostly peaceful protests render the virus impotent, as we learned in 2020. Of course the only question is what will spark them this year. I guess we'll see, but at least folks will have carefully spaced places for refreshment!

    1. Any relaxation of the rules about gathering en masse will bring another 'spike', but with the roll-out of vaccines, etc, we just have to hope it'll be minimal.

    2. It was a tongue in cheek comment, of course, Cro. People in my area of CA are openly wondering how long this can last and the tension can be felt everywhere. Vaccines just opened to all over 16; the most vulnerable groups have either been vaccinated or have had the opportunity to get them. We get our second shots this week.

    3. I have to wait till June 23rd for my 2nd jab.

  11. Sorry Cro my answer went haywire. Have you seen this morning that some enterprising pub landlord put up a row of beach huts and is now being made to move every other one as they are deemed to be too close together?

    1. Yes, I've seen the beach huts, and the geodesic domes, and everything else in between. I don't think they'll replace a nice warm comfortable interior bar.

  12. Here they just hang screens and seat at every other table. Of course, we can't really claim that our measures have been successful.

    1. I've no idea what they do here, because I don't go out; only shopping.

  13. Yup
    the pubs won't be the same
    Preferable to have a couple of glasses of wine or bottles of beer at home.
    Had to laugh about point 4 ( masks). I could derail the thread onto the advantages of masks having eaten a lot of wild garlic yesterday then realising I was not going into work therefore had no need of mask and therefore would be subjecting other half to my paint stripper breath..

    1. I was just looking at a picture of a big area of wild garlic, and thinking how lucky people are to have it growing nearby. None here I'm afraid.

  14. We all want to go enjoy ourselves and socialize as we used to do. Restaurants and bars are having such a difficult time now and are trying their best to stay in business till Covid passes. Until then, they have been very innovative and are doing their best to keep themselves and their patrons safe. I admire their creativity.

    1. I heard earlier this morning that people had been sitting outdoors, whilst snow fell around them, drinking their beers. Not for me!

  15. Sounds like mulled wine, or a hot toddy or gaelic coffee would have been more appropriate. Good on them for supporting their locals- as long as they were being reasonably careful!
